Exploring high-availability artificial intelligence applications with deep human-machine integration
Original link: https://www.52nlp.cn/%E6%8E%A2%E7%B4%A2%E4%BA%BA%E6%9C%BA%E6%B7%B1%E5%BA%A6% E8%9E%8D%E5%90%88%E7%9A%84%E9%AB%98%E5%8F%AF%E7%94%A8%E6%80%A7%E4%BA%BA%E5% B7%A5%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E5%BA%94%E7%94%A8 At present, artificial intelligence technology is extremely popular in the world, but there is a phenomenon of “big thunder and little rain”. On the one hand, with the continuous development of deep learning technology in recent years, the continuous improvement of computing power, the popularization of deeper and more complex […]