ChihHao Tsai | 蔡志浩 | TW

Ganlushui led me to discover Zhuang Shihe, the first abstract artist in Taiwan

Original link: 2022-07-18 by Chih-Hao Tsai Posted in: Kaohsiung , Culture This article is reprinted from: This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Ganlushui led me to discover Zhuang Shihe, the first abstract artist in Taiwan Read More »

The era value of postal service

Original link: Every once in a while there will be a trip to the post office. Usually, it is the return high-speed rail ticket stub of a certain itinerary sent by registered mail, and sometimes it is a real package. Watching quietly while waiting, I also have some understanding of the unique value of

The era value of postal service Read More »

How did director Joseph Kozinski convince Tom Cruise to make ‘Defender: The Lone Ranger’?

Original link: I recently read an interview with the director of “Defender: The Lone Ranger”. Talk about how he persuaded Tom Cruise to make a ‘Defender’ sequel, and a behind-the-scenes look at the filming. The best part is the communication at the beginning. About five years ago, producer Brockheimer approached Kozinsky, gave him a

How did director Joseph Kozinski convince Tom Cruise to make ‘Defender: The Lone Ranger’? Read More »

Defender: The Lone Ranger: Legacy, Letting Go and Moving Forward

Original link: Thirty-six years after Defender, Defender: The Lone Ranger accurately reproduces consistent texture and structure. But the focus of the film shifted from the plot back then to the character, namely Maverick. (no thunder) The same as thirty-six years ago, this movie still has elite pilots competing with each other and a wonderful

Defender: The Lone Ranger: Legacy, Letting Go and Moving Forward Read More »