thatched cottage | 一间茅庐

Climb Balcony Mountain on weekends

Original link: Recently, my son went back to his hometown for the summer vacation, so he has time to do outdoor sports. I went to Balcony Mountain on the weekend. In fact, I prefer the previous name: Yangtai Mountain. I was planning to go by public transportation, but I didn’t expect that there was

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HomePod Mini experience

Original link: After getting a new monitor, I couldn’t resist buying a HomePod Mini. After I bought one, I thought the effect was good, so I bought another one to form a stereo, and the effect was significantly improved compared to only one. For a non-audiophile like me, it sounds good. iPhone or iPad

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A Glimpse of the 2023 ICIF

Original link: The 2023 ICIF is on display these days. I was not interested at first, because I am not a cultural person, and secondly, the exhibition is in the International Expo Center, which is too far in the past. But for some reason, I also went for a while. There are two kinds

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Read “Wuthering Heights”

Original link: Heathcliff finally died laughing. In the last period of his life, he finally found tranquility and peace. For such a demon, it seemed that death was too easy. I have always disliked reading translated foreign language books. It’s a little better by listening. When I first started listening to this book, I

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Read Oliver Twist

Original link: After all, it’s a good ending. At least, that’s how it looks to Oliver. Although Oliver grew up in unimaginable hardship, he survived at last, and through his own courage, finally left the workhouse and coffin shop that would kill him sooner or later. In spite of the gangs of thieves and

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big is good

Original link: Recently, my wife wants to update her notebook. She is currently using a 13-inch MacBook Pro. Because she travels a lot, she wants to find a smaller and lighter notebook. Many years ago, Apple released a 12-inch the new MacBook. Probably proved to be a failed product in the market, so it

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still get enough sleep

Original link: A big man passed away today at the age of 47. Looking at his blog, there is such a paragraph: Now I work, blog, raise children, and there are actually more things. I get up at 7:30 in the morning, browse foreign news, hacker news, tech church, reddit, highavailability and other sites,

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