Original link: https://elizen.me/posts/2023/05/technology-is-process-knowledge/
Recently, after ChatGPT became lively, a lot of discussion topics emerged from various perspectives, including ethics, supervision, civilization, and interpretations from various technical perspectives. I became interested in one of the topics, which is the relationship between technology and civilization, including the nature of technology , What is the position of technology in the process of civilization evolution, etc., I may extract some notes and record them here.
Dan Wang mentioned in the article that if the United States wants to recover, Make American Great Again, the thing to do is to re-establish the manufacturing industry, because technology is a kind of “process knowledge”, and the experience in the process cannot be fully established in the form of a memorandum Speaking of which, he cited the example of Shenzhen in the article. In the process of promoting the entire manufacturing industry, China has trained a large number of experts through these process knowledge. These experts and experience have produced a huge innovation effect and created many emerging industries. Products, such as several major mobile phone manufacturers, drones, robots… Dan Wang also said that more and more people are now tending to finance and software, which may be a mistake. The real innovation and development are still in the manufacturing industry.
Similarly, the beginning of “Chip War” stated that the United States has already begun to transfer manufacturing many years ago, retaining only high-end design capabilities, but now, they restrict China’s development through the chip bill, forcing Japan, South Korea, etc. to return to American manufacturing , I don’t know if it’s too late.
Noah Smith also mentioned a similar statement in How Technology Has Changed the World Since I Was Young :
Now it’s important to note that understanding and practiced skill are still scarce commodities. YouTube can’t teach you how to be a great violinist (at least, not in 30 minutes), and Wikipedia can’t give you the ability to do difficult math proofs. And the knowledge that can be gained from direct experience is often superior in quality to the knowledge gained from a Google search — for example, if I actually go to the Matterhorn, I can see it from a variety of angles and in a variety of lighting. But overall, humans have taken much of the knowledge that they used to have to carry around in their heads and uploaded it to what is, in effect, a single unified exocortex.
Now it’s important to note that understanding and practical skills are still scarce commodities. YouTube can’t teach you how to be a good violinist (at least not in 30 minutes), and Wikipedia can’t equip you to do difficult mathematical proofs. And knowledge gained from direct experience is often qualitatively superior to knowledge gained from Google searches — for example, if I did go to the Matterhorn, I could see it from all angles and in all light. But in general, humans have uploaded most of the knowledge they once had to keep in their heads into what is effectively a single unified outer cortex.
This article is transferred from: https://elizen.me/posts/2023/05/technology-is-process-knowledge/
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