Tell me about my personal pension investment options

Today, a partner asked me about my personal pension investment and reminded me that it is time to choose a product to invest in. Then let’s talk about my personal pension investment options today.

After thinking about it, I made a comprehensive balance, and my investment in personal pensions will be placed on stable products mainly based on bond positions , mainly based on the following considerations:

(1) Although under the current market conditions, the allocation value of equity assets is higher than that of bond assets, but considering that the current selection range of Y share funds for personal pensions is relatively narrow, it is far less than the options for equity assets in the outside market Therefore, it is better to invest in assets other than pension funds for equity investment that seeks income in terms of product richness and allocation flexibility.

(2) FOF funds will have more advantages in choosing debt bases than individual investment in debt bases. They will generally do better than individual investors in diversifying investment and avoiding the risk of debt bases stepping on thunder.

(3) For personal pension, I prefer to use it as a kind of compulsory savings, and the allocation is mainly to pursue stability.

(4) Pension FOF funds with a high proportion of equity assets will require a longer holding period, and I am not willing to lock in a fund for too long.

For the introduction of pension FOF funds and the distribution characteristics of 129 individual pension fund catalog products, you can refer to the previous article “The First Batch of Individual Pension Fund Catalog Released, How to Select 129 Pension Funds “, which contains detailed introductions and statistics.

After clarifying your investment goals, there are not many options to choose from, because most of the 129 funds have a minimum holding period of 1 year for partial bond hybrid funds. Just make a choice in the product.


I screened according to the standard of an annualized return of about 6%. Among the 61 one-year holding period products, I selected funds with a return rate greater than 19% in the past three years, and only three funds met the conditions.


Data source: Butterfly Data

Among the three products, the one with the best yield in the past 1 year and the best yield in the past 3 years is the one-year holding period of China Merchants Heyue Steady Pension (006861).

In addition, the stock positions of China Merchants Heyue Wenjian Pension (006861) and Huabao Wenjian Pension (007255) are relatively low, less than 20%.

Then compare the maximum drawdown of the three products to see the risk control situation.


Data source: Butterfly Data

From the perspective of risk control, the maximum drawdown of each stage of Huabao Steady Pension (007255) is the smallest, followed by China Merchants Heyue Steady Pension (006861). The maximum retracement of SDIC UBS Stable Pension is slightly larger, and the ratio of income to risk is not high, so I have eliminated him here.

I looked at the positions of the two FOFs of China Merchants Heyue Wenjian Pension (006861) and Huabao Wenjian Pension (007255), and the difference is very large.

(1) The equity assets of China Merchants Heyue Wenjian Pension (006861) are mainly completed through stock allocation; Huabao Wenjian Pension (007255) has no direct stock investment and is completed through equity funds.

(2) The fixed-income assets of China Merchants Heyue Stable Pension (006861) are mainly allocated to their own debt bases. In the third quarter, 9 of the top ten heavily held funds are China Merchants Funds. This is probably because China Merchants itself is a large fixed-income fund. The selection of bond funds of Huabao Jianjian Pension (007255) is very scattered, and each company has them.

I think the styles of the two funds are quite different, and I plan to hold them at the same time, each with a certain position, and I will share with you after the order is placed.

Risk warning: This article is the daily research result of this account. It only provides ideas for investment thinking, not as investment advice. Investment is risky, and investment needs to be cautious!

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$ China Merchants Heyue Steady Pension One Year Holding Period Mixed (FOF) A(F006861)$ $ Huabao Steady Pension (FOF)(F007255)$

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