Original link: https://t.me/MoshangUS/1287
MoshangUS @MoshangUS |
The number of people on our external platforms such as Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, and Rumble has increased from 13,000 to 17,000 in the past year. These platforms will have overlapping followers. According to the golden ratio 0.618, there should be at least 10,000 like-minded friends on the platform outside the wall.
Although there are not many, these platforms are also infiltrated by jokers, which restricts our development itself; and Moshang’s positioning only talks about American affairs, and it is not bad to reach this level under such factors.
WeChat followers have returned to the level of 7 months after the title was banned, 244,000, but the reading volume is only at the initial level of 5 years ago.
Continue to work hard to expand the base in the coming year.
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