“The Sherlock Holmes Files”, “Gangs of New York” and more enter the public domain

Before 1978, the longest period of copyright protection in the United States was 56 years after publication – 28 years plus 28 years, and the last 28 years were renewed by the author, and statistics showed that 85% of authors gave up extending another 28 years. However, in 1998, the U.S. Congress passed a new copyright protection law, which increased the copyright protection period by 20 years and extended the protection period to 70 years after the death of the author or 95 years after the publication of the work. As January 1, 2023 approaches, American works published in 1927, notable among them Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Arthur Conan Doyle, will soon enter the public domain. ), “The Sherlock Holmes Archives” by Ernest Hemingway, “Men Without Women” by Ernest Hemingway, “Gangs of New York” by Herbert Asbury, “The Missing Man” by Franz Kafka (aka America)”, as well as many silent films and musical compositions.

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