Thinking education with the end in mind

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Mu Mu is now seven years old. When he gets along with him, he will feel that the road ahead is very long. He should deal with the current studies first, and the rest can be taught later.

On second thought, the child is just a passing passenger in my life. When he was admitted to the university at the age of 18, he spread his wings. I certainly want him to live closer to me in the future and meet more often, but it is more likely that he will go to a different city or even a different country.

18-7 = 11, only 11 years, the original time to get along is so little. I have been trying to teach him to practice “Ai Binghao memory curve”, “interval memory”, “exercise spoken English through output”, “logic”, “applying what you have learned”, but I have never systematically discussed values ​​with children .

At the age of 18, what was his view on choosing a mate when he was in love?

Character and beauty are not in conflict, but what choice will he make when it is impossible to have both?

Coveting the beauty of girls and finding the wrong partner will bring a lifetime of pain.

Proverbs 21:9 It is better to live in the corner of the roof than with a quarrelsome woman in a broad house.
Proverbs 19:13 A foolish son is the scourge of his father, and the quarrel of his wife is like a dripping rain.

If he is discerning and finds a woman who is diligent, thrifty, generous, and compassionate, this time it will bring him a lifetime of blessings.

Proverbs 31:10-31:

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? She is worth far more than pearls.

Her husband’s heart trusts in her, and he will not be short of profit; she will do good to him all his life.

She seeks out cashmere and hemp, and is willing to work with her hands.

She was like a merchant ship bringing food from afar. Before dawn, she would get up, distribute food to the family, and distribute the work to the maids.

16 She buys fields as she desires;

Plant the vineyard with the profit of the hands.

17 She girded her waist with strength and made her arms strong.

18 She thinks that her business is profitable; her lamp is not quenched all night.

19 She has a twisting pole in her hand, and a spinning wheel in her hand.

20 She stretched out her hand to help the needy and extended her hand to the needy.

21 She does not worry about the snow for her family because the whole family is dressed in scarlet.

22 She makes embroidered blankets for herself; her garments are of fine linen and purple.

23 Her husband was sitting at the gate of the city with the local elders, known to all.

24She makes linen clothes and sells them, and she sells the girdle to the merchants.

25 Power and majesty are her garments; she laughs at the thought of the future.

26 She opens her mouth and speaks wisdom; she has the law of kindness on her tongue.

27 She observes housework and does not eat idle meals.

28 Her children rose up and called her blessed; her husband also praised her,

29 said, “There are many talented women, but you alone surpass everything!”

30 Beauty is false, beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised.

31 Let her enjoy what she has done; let her work glorify her at the gates of the city.

At 18, will he manage his money?

Will he save? Will he live within his means? Does he do financial budgeting? Will he manage the risk?

In his book at home, Fu Lei repeatedly told his son to manage money well.

Children, just looking down on money doesn’t solve problems; on the contrary, just because you look down on money, you don’t control it, you won’t handle it, you will suffer money losses and become material slaves. The bachelor can also use Yan Hui’s assiduous method to deal with emergencies. It is not enough to have a family. If you hope that Mila will also be willing to eat plain clothes, it is too strict and unrealistic. In order to avoid this step, it is better to set a moderate standard of living early so that Mira can agree to it, can practice it, and help you make a plan and implement it. The more you despise matter, the more you need to control it. You must maintain the dignity of your art, the independence of your personality, and the control of material things have become the most urgent and important prerequisites. If you believe my thesis, boy, you must act early.

The Book of Proverbs also has many exhortations

Proverbs 13:7 He who pretends to be rich has nothing; he who pretends to be poor has plenty.

Proverbs 30:25 Ants are powerless, but they prepare food in summer.

Proverbs 23:19-21 Listen, my son, and be wise, so that you may guide your heart in the right way. Those who love to drink and eat meat, do not associate with them; for those who love wine and gluttony will become poor, and those who love to sleep will wear rags.

Proverbs 22:26 Don’t give a high five, don’t bail out a debtor.

Will he buy a bunch of useless things for vanity? Will he max out his credit card for pleasure? Will he be overly generous while the mud bodhisattva crosses the river? Will he form alliances with bad guys for money and be kidnapped?

Balzac was charged by creditors all day long because of his vain consumption with the noble circle. Newton bought stocks with his own money, and lost money.

How will he choose his career after graduating from college?

Will he pursue a career that is useless to society for money?

There is no shortage of such news in life.

A top student from Tsinghua University and Peking University developed fake stock trading software to defraud investors of their money.

Software engineers went to Cambodia and Vietnam to develop gambling websites to trick mainlanders into gambling.

Programmers randomly clone the code of encrypted currency on Github, issue some air coins, and cut leeks.

To be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University proves that their intelligence is extraordinary. But these smart people used reason to the dark side, leading to a more fragmented society.

Apart from schoolwork, there seems to be a dozen things to teach him, but only 11 years with the child, not that long in a lifetime.

  • character. Honesty, respect for parents, patience, humility.
  • money management. Save, live within your means, control risks, and prevent fraud.
  • time management. Prioritization of life affairs, use of calendars.
  • How to make friends.
  • Marriage View.
  • strong physique

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