Toots 2023 May.21 – May.27

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  • Dream. The Lego industrial revolution, the invasion of self-replicating robots, the demise of human beings, and the post-Lego era, we still have to bid farewell to the carbon-based body and have to go through a suicide. Inundated with cleaning fluid and foam, the new world, the old relics are still there, but everything is modularized and localized, long-distance travel is not allowed, and it may still be classified as old world creatures.
  • Connected, reflecting the matching of imagination and technology
  • Technological revolution, from product to industry, where are the people?
  • Hey, what am I doing in 2018 and 2019
  • “Technology is not a competitive advantage”
  • Discuss methodology with methodology, this time the chat is a bit boring
  • Technology, Personal Technology, Modular Technology, Evolution, Technological Certainty, Technological Untraceability, Stealth and Patent Covering
  • Restart your life for the last time, return to your heart, it’s all straight balls


  • “The brain is a second-order phase transition, but not continuous”
  • “Third-order and fourth-order phase transitions are rare in the physical world”
  • Amazon Robot: robin, sparrow, cardinal. Robotics | Research Areas – Amazon Science
  • The boyfriend came to the counter to chat with the teller’s girlfriend, it was too sweet
  • stage struggle
  • It’s nice to hear questions you’ve never heard before
  • Inhaling second-hand smoke is particularly pungent…
  • I have done all kinds of miscellaneous work in a single industry, and I can’t explain anything


  • It’s not the first time technology has changed the world. We lack parallel, simultaneously narrative histories from multiple perspectives.
  • Is it true that social people make friends?
  • Enter the aftertaste period of “Restarting Life”
  • Diyuan, jimoto, a motif in Japanese TV dramas that has lasted for many years
  • “I understand this, I’m from the Northeast, and Lei Feng made me a second dimension”
  • Use your own oral habits to re-examine the text, which has never been done before
  • I always feel like it’s time to get down to business…
  • “In this boundless sea of ​​existence, where anything is possible, where nothing matters, I think it will be purity of thought, that being exactly who you are will be enough. It doesn’t matter. I think it’s enough to have a pure mind and keep yourself. With this I fare thee well. I would like to say goodbye to Jun Zhen.”


  • Dream. Oddly shaped custom golf clubs, cans of sparkling water on par with high-end wine glasses, any meal plan that can be customized a day in advance, pasta is always next on the wish list, and the tone of compulsion is always the same
  • “Currently, from a clinical point of view, the overall symptoms of the second infection of the new coronavirus in the population are mild. Many patients have sore throat as the prominent symptom, and symptomatic treatment is enough.”
  • “Many patients have sore throat as the prominent symptom. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is a characteristic of wind-heat and cold with a little dampness or dryness. Some traditional Chinese medicines can be used to clear away heat and detoxify, relieve wind and relieve the surface, and clear throat and throat.”
  • Although I didn’t test positive…but it’s very useful to eat Guizhou Bailing’s “Shuangyanghoubitong Granules” in the past two days
  • “In 1993, Ling Peixue’s team took the lead in establishing Shandong Biochemical Pharmaceutical Company (the predecessor of the state-owned enterprise Freda Group) with the technology of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences as a shareholder. In July 2005, the company’s name was changed to Shandong Freda Pharmaceutical Group Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Shandong Freda). However, although it is a technology stake, the only registered investor is the Shandong Provincial Institute of Biopharmaceuticals.”
  • “Zhang Xu cited the four most influential European and American scholars in Chinese academic circles since the 1980s, and believed that these important figures can mark several different stages, and at the same time these few were also influenced by Nietzsche (as a counter-enlightenment) representative). They are: Heidegger in the 1980s; Marx Weber’s social theory in the late 1980s; Foucault in the 1990s, also related to the introduction of postmodernism and postcolonialism to China; into the 20th century The rise of neo-conservatism in the United States after the September 11 incident was a watershed. At this time, Leo Strauss’s political philosophy was introduced into China. Although Strauss was not in Europe, his theoretical sources were Karl Schmidt, Nietzsche, Weber, Karl Barth, and Heidegger, so Zhang Xu still classifies him as a continental philosopher. (However, Professor Wang Min’an thinks that this person is quite a minority and does not agree to use him as a representative figure.) “
  • Redistribution is a problem, an eternal problem
  • Picky older generations’ choices are less and less valued
  • Theme song/interlude/song/ED/MV collection of Japanese drama “Reboot Life/ブラッシュアップライフ”


  • Dream. Lao Hu’s business was in trouble, his wife and children were separated, and he set off from the villa to sell skewers every day, and drove to pick me up like a racing car. The house was full of dust, and he couldn’t bear to ask, but he still asked. The disagreement was only superficial, and it was too late to repent.
  • Dream. The down-and-out old Joe came here with a big bag on his back, and when I was looking for a special chip, I found a shabu-shabu shop and waited while I ate. I didn’t forget to pack spicy cabbage and kimchi. I was tired and just wanted to lie down and chat. Joe made the bed according to his own rules, repeated and adjusted it over and over again, I was so upset, I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep, and was woken up by his booing
  • meet in the world
  • “After taking the medicine, if the number of stools is 2 to 3 times a day, the amount should be reduced; if it is more than 3 times a day, stop using it and consult a doctor.”
  • “Summary myself in one sentence: sleepier than a dog, greedier than a pig, stronger than a donkey.”
  • Powder Snow-レミオロメン-Lyrics-Learn Japanese by Singing-Japanese Class-MARUMARU
  • The concealment and anonymity of the external space guarantees moderate freedom within the scope, but the externality must be guaranteed
  • create anonymous fields
  • Life & Rhymes(2020), is the first show of its kind in the UK, solely dedicated to spoken word performance it celebrates the very best poetry and spoken word talent the UK has to offer.


  • “Unknown Life Form”
  • “The Untouchable Monster”
  • People themselves have the natural attribute of connecting information together
  • Sensitive lips, still on fire…
  • Dream. Why do I remember that there is a very narrow passage that I have to climb through before I can reach the rented room. The core point is that every book is brought in by climbing again and again, and now I have to move. Quantity is hard to load.
  • Dream. Standing and arguing with people who don’t understand, just relying on words, the image space is constantly expanding in the field of vision, simulating assumptions, but always making mistakes, various mistakes and deviations, bloodletting knives that can be obtained at will, and there is no passage out of the space .
  • “At radar wavelengths, the real world looks like a strange ghost world. Almost everything is translucent except metal.”
  • “For example, six transmissions and eight receptions, 77GHz, maximum sweep bandwidth of 700MHz, three sweep modes, frame period of about 67ms, etc. There is even a Made in China label on the label… In short, it looks like a well-regulated low-cost product from the hardware. 4D millimeter-wave radar, in line with Tesla’s consistent low-cost characteristics.”
  • just enough
  • Teriyaki chicken is cut off… no wonder
  • I can empathize with those who listen to Mayday outside the bird’s nest, and I am also the one who can’t buy tickets for sound toys
  • allow madness


  • Terrestrial animal sense
  • “Deviant Personality”
  • “Born in Beijing”


  • 20230530 Arlmy created, organized
  • Posted by 20230530 Arlmy

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