Original link: https://hsiaofeng.com/archives/248.html
This is a dynamically updated list showing possible sources of query parameters. In the background, you can often see that some pages are attached with query parameters, which are usually added intentionally by social networking sites during the propagation process. These query parameters can be traced back to the source platform.
For example, if you observe that the address of your page has the following access:
Then it is likely to be traffic from Douban.
Douban / Douban
continueFlag=... dt_dapp=1 dt_platform=... refer_uri_app=douban://douban.com/...
Bilibili / Bilibili
native.theme=1 night=1
This article is transferred from: https://hsiaofeng.com/archives/248.html
This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.