Weekly Issue 2023-07-23

Original link: https://zdyxry.github.io/2023/07/23/Weekly-Issue-2023-07-23/

Article link to title Technical link to title Incident Review for Site-wide Outage for GitLab.com – Stale Terraform Pipeline #15997 (#15999) Issues GitLab.com / GitLab Infrastructure Team / production GitLab
[[Gitlab]] improper use of [[Terraform]] caused [[incident analysis]] to fail. During the change request process, an expired Terraform pipeline was triggered. This resulted in an outdated Terraform plan being applied to production. The same operation has been performed multiple times before without any problems. The failure was caused by a long delay (approximately 3 weeks) in applying the changes to the production environment. A known-good pipeline for resource rebuilds becomes obsolete and configuration drifts due to recent changes.
The existence of [[Atlantis]] is justified. It blocks one in front, which can effectively avoid some TF disasters that are not easy to notice at ordinary times, but once they happen, they will cause S0 level accidents. A simple way to combat human imprecision is to increase the safety of the process. from: @kivinsae
Additional story: [[Gitlab]] cannot use [[Gitlab]] for team collaboration due to its own failure, and can only use Google Doc.
A Failed SaaS Postmortem Matt Layman
When the author tried to do a project, he used a technology stack that he was not so familiar with, and spent a lot of time on updating software dependencies, and ignored the feelings of end users, resulting in a bad result. In the MVP stage, you should keep the technology stack simple and use the technology you are most familiar with to meet user expectations.
[[Redpoint]] selected 100 [[companies]] for infrastructure. By Category: Security, Data & AI, DevOps.
Impact of pre-allocated slice memory on performance in Golang | Oilbeater’s study room

This article is transferred from: https://zdyxry.github.io/2023/07/23/Weekly-Issue-2023-07-23/
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