What is the use of the Disable XML-RPC plugin for wordpress? Importance of disabling WP’s xmlrpc.php

Original link: https://www.xujiahua.com/10026.html

Disable WordPress’ xmlrpc.php file to avoid brute force cracking

XML-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol that allows you to use third-party applications to post blog posts, get comments, and more. However, the XML-RPC protocol can also be used by hackers to conduct brute force attacks and DDOS attacks, etc. Therefore, disabling XML-RPC in WordPress can improve the security of your website. Here are some ways to block XML-RPC:

Workaround: Use a plugin:

1. Install and enable the Disable XML-RPC plugin in the WordPress background.

2. The plug-in will automatically disable the XML-RPC function, no additional settings are required.

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