When the blue night slowly falls

Original link: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dailyartartwork/img-202210256357f21bd7f50


Frank Bramley was an English Post-Impressionist painter who specialized in interior design and devoted himself to combining natural and artificial light in his paintings. He is the founder of the square-brush technique. In this technique, he uses the flat side of a square brush to spread paint across the canvas in a puzzle-like pattern of strokes, giving the paint surface a special vibrancy.

The woman in the painting is believed to be Bramley’s wife, Katherine Graham, who is also an artist. She was probably sitting in a chair at their house in Orchard Cottage, then called Belle Vue Cottage.

Side note: What did Catherine see outside the window? snow scene? Come and enjoy the beautiful winter scenery with her. <3

P.S.: The painting you saw today is also included in our 2023 daily art desk calendar . Desk calendars full of beautiful masterpieces, as well as our 2023 wall calendar and Japanese art journal calendar . 🙂

90.8 x 76.8 cm

private collection

This article is reproduced from: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dailyartartwork/img-202210256357f21bd7f50
This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.