Yongrong Jiushanhe: Machinery Factory and Power Plant

Original link: https://macin.org/2023/09/11/yong-rong-jiu-shan-he/

The heat in September is very different from that in August. After the white dew arrives, there is always an uneasiness and a slight chill after sunset.

In July, I saw the news that seven buildings of Yongrong Machinery Factory and Yongrong Power Plant were included in the seventh batch of historical building lists in Chongqing.

When I see talkative old people, I often chat a few more words, hoping to get some fragments of the past from the “living history book”. I never thought that to this day, my meager memories have gradually begun to become part of history, probably Although the thirty years of life are still very shallow in social cognition, they have already taken shape in the torrent of historical objectivity.


After Chongqing Energy finally moved from bankruptcy and liquidation to acquisition by a central enterprise, perhaps it was under the scorching heat of the summer noon sun that the first time I drove to see the machinery factory, I felt that there was some life.

The small railroad track at the door is so familiar. Children in the mining area are taught to be careful when crossing the railroad, just like ordinary children are taught to look for traffic lights when crossing the road. The outer walls of the workshop are made of mixed green bricks and bricks, the cement floor is mixed with cobblestones, and there are dozens of tall small-leafed banyan trees. Yongrong Machinery Factory, a place I have heard about for many years but walked into for the first time, and I The Yongrong Mining Bureau in my memory is very similar. Certificates and medals are displayed in the conference room. It’s hard for the remaining employees now. In the world of the times, choice is more important than hard work. The gears of fate have been turning quietly inadvertently.



Walking around the factory, I found that all the equipment was not running during the weekend. This was unexpected, but I gained unexpected peace. The train whizzed by outside the factory, and the French plane trees inside the factory covered the roadside. Fish were swimming happily in the pond, and weeds grew out of the cracks in the curb. The green bamboos beside the pond reflected in the water, and the small Ye Rong’s fruit fell to the ground and squeaked when stepped on when it was dried by the sun. He even found a small snake in an open workshop.




Those rockeries and pavilions were the aesthetics of the state-owned enterprises in their heyday, and they don’t seem to be cliched now. Walking there, I felt an indescribable feeling of regret and over-satisfaction. I vaguely felt that the vital stream in my body, after it dried up due to being too heavy at some point in my adult life, suddenly appeared in the place where I grew up as a child. Spring water seeped out from a certain crack. Although it was not enough to fill a hand, it was enough to wash away the anxiety for a short time.

Only a mile away from the machinery factory is Yongrong Power Plant.

Before I saw the power plant, I first recognized the swimming pool of the Bureau of Mines that I had longed for, and the joy of my childhood overflowed from my eyes. Mosaic splicing, wooden counter windows, and wrought iron doors. In the summer afternoons when I was a child, my parents signed me up for a swimming class. I didn’t know how to protect myself from the sun at that time. After two summers, I was so tanned that I didn’t even learn how to do it. , I was always very lazy and playful during big classes, but when I grew up, I lost this fishing skill.


Later, my mother, who hated iron and steel, said angrily that she would not let me go to swimming classes, so my father had to take me to the “Leidaqiao” reservoir on a motorcycle after get off work to learn swimming.

In the cold water of the reservoir, with the sky gradually becoming dusk, I achieved my goal of swimming to the other side of the river in less than a week, which further proved that it is impossible to teach a playful child to swim in the swimming pool.

For me, the swimming pool is not so much a place for swimming as it is a social place for children. Although I did not learn to swim, I met many brothers and sisters there. I will still say that when I mention that person many years later , we took a swimming class together when we were children. This is also an inexplicable fate that seems deep but not shallow.

The family area of ​​the power plant was very large, with several dormitories and suites for singles. At that time, the state-owned enterprises provided food and accommodation, freeing employees from all worries.



The bathhouse of the power plant was also a place that everyone envied in the past. In the era when most people didn’t have water heaters in their homes, hot water for free use was a scarce resource. Now, not only is it a failure, the trees and grass are as deep as walking into a forest.

There is a clock made by Shanghai Electric Clock Factory on the door of the auditorium of the power plant. The time is fixed at 13:24. I wonder if this has a special meaning? There are no seats inside the auditorium, and only the banner on the stage is still hung with the staff meeting and annual commendation. After our fathers entered the factory, they may have had many honorary certificates and red flowers, but “3050 “As soon as the national policy of “coal mine closure” came, personal gains and losses instantly became insignificant. Therefore, after witnessing these ups and downs with our own eyes, our generation became rational and indifferent.


There is no power generation at the power plant, and there is only some gas commissioning.

The sister who works as a security guard at the factory gate is very enthusiastic. When she saw that I was sweating profusely, she immediately asked me to come in and blow out the air conditioner. Maybe she was too bored, but she was very happy when she chatted with me. She said that she started working in 2004, when she was 17 years old. After graduating from the Technical School of the Mining Bureau, she had to find connections in various ways before she was assigned to work in a power plant. Within a few years of working, this huge state-owned factory fell apart due to the poor management of the Bureau of Mines. In the past ten years, the factory had been divided, merged, restructured and went bankrupt. She couldn’t even remember which company she was working with now. Looking at the contract signed by the factory, she only remembers the place where she worked so hard to get into, and the salary back then was the same as what she gets now as a gatekeeper.



We saw the laboratory of the power plant, and the table was already covered with a thick layer of dust.

We climbed upstairs from the main factory building and had close contact with the huge chimney we had seen when we were young. We felt that even now, the scale of state-owned large factories is bigger than I imagined, let alone for young people. For me, it must be a landmark building. There were many kidnappings of children when I was a child, so I thought to myself, if I get lost, I must remember this big chimney. If I remember it, I can find the direction home.

When I sink my eyes into the eyes of another me in the parallel world, I catch a glimpse of the deep dawn, see the ancient yesterday, see everything that cannot be understood, and feel that the universe is flowing. Even if I am at my desk late at night, I still feel The other self, who is farming, exploring, reading, and sailing, prays for peace and calm forever.

Now, after many years, the young mind has a swimming pool like the sea, and the baggage is too heavy to fly.

Attached are some photos of the inside of the power plant. I wonder what this place will look like in ten years.








Reference reading: Your Yongrong Mining Bureau is my town

This article is reproduced from: https://macin.org/2023/09/11/yong-rong-jiu-shan-he/
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