2022-33: After the computer crashes

Original link: https://xuanwo.io/reports/2022-33/

After a cargo bench , the computer suddenly went black.

identify the problem

I had shut down my phone like this a few times before, but I didn’t think it was a problem. After drinking a sip of coffee, I pressed the power button again. But after flashing Lenovo’s Logo, the computer automatically shuts down again. After repeated attempts, I found that I couldn’t even get into the BIOS. Now I know the big one, there must be a component that is broken. If the motherboard can pass the self-test, it should not be a problem with the CPU or memory; after the Logo flashes, it will automatically shut down after a period of time, which seems to be a problem of heat dissipation. In addition, there will be a more obvious clicking sound when starting, I don’t know which component is broken – –

This complete lack of power on the computer reminded me of a few previous glitches: every time the computer ran under heavy load for a period of time and then experienced a very severe throttling, and then automatically shut down with a loud fan noise. Looking back now, the computer may have been in an abnormal state at that time, but this time it completely hung up.

Contact for repair

The computer was purchased by the company, and I found a colleague in charge to apply for Jingdong after-sales service. On the same day, the customer service of Jingdong after-sales called me to understand the basic situation, and also gave some suggestions that were not very useful (such as restarting, cleaning, etc.), and also recommended that an engineer could come to take a look. I directly rejected it, saying that it must be a hardware problem, and let the little brother of Jingdong come to pick it up and send it for repair. Later, I made an appointment with the younger brother of Jingdong. They recommended me to find a box to put the computer in, so as not to bump it during transportation. But I really don’t have a suitable box at home, so I directly handed the bare metal to JD.com and asked them to help pack it (then one of the corners of the chassis was broken..)

Jingdong after-sales

One of the interesting things about JD.com is that they have their own dedicated after-sales department (at least Lenovo does). Send it to the factory for further repairs.

The user experience improvement brought by the addition of this middle layer is still obvious:

The first is that the feedback is very fast. On the second day after the computer was sent out, JD.com’s technical after-sales contacted to understand the basic situation, unlike the previous home appliances that had to wait blindly for a long time before feedback.

The second is the technical profession. During the communication process, it can be clearly seen that Jingdong’s technical after-sales really understands technology, and they will call ahead to communicate before dangerous operations. My computer is installed with Archlinux and uses the XFS file system, so it is an unrecognizable disk from the PE inside. JD.com’s technical brother called to check if there was any data in it. He felt strange and told me that the hard drive could be recognized, but the partitions inside could not be read, and asked me if the hard drive was broken. I explained it briefly, and he suddenly realized: Oh, you have an operating system like Ubuntu installed in it, right? I nodded again and again, that’s right.

In the end, the attitude was friendly. After the computer was sent to the little brother, he did an initial inspection and found no problems. I said it wasn’t consistent with the performance in my house, and then brought up the fan issue. He later did a stability test of the roasting machine, and it really reproduced the same problem. The handling advice given later was to send it to the manufacturer for repair. He also offered to help me remove both disks, so that the manufacturer would not think that I had no data in the disk and emptied it. I applauded again and again and said thank you very much.

endure long

JD.com said that it will take 7 to 14 days for the computer to be sent to the manufacturer for repair, during which I can only use my old laptop for work. The company suggested that they could send a computer for a transition, but I felt that it would only take two weeks, and the computer would need to be reconfigured by me after it was sent, and then I would have to send it away again. However, my old notebook is really not keeping up with the times, not to mention the big work such as compiling, just browsing the web in an ordinary way has already felt a little laborious, and it is not as enjoyable as before. When compiling before, you could brush and push, but now it takes so long that you can only do push-ups.

However, this short switch has verified the disaster tolerance capability of my current software stack:

  • 1Password keeps all my passwords and SSH Keys, and there is no key service that cannot be logged in due to the temporary replacement of the device
  • Dropbox holds all of my important stuff, and at worst I don’t lose any files
  • Github holds all my code, at worst two days less work (the code was rewritten when the computer came back later)
  • Logseq syncs via Git Repo so I don’t have to worry about amnesia

computer returns

After more than a week, the little brother of Jingdong contacted me and said that the computer was repaired, the water cooling was broken, and the CPU was automatically powered off due to overheating protection. The manufacturer replaced me with a new water cooler, and he ran the stability test for half an hour without encountering any problems. However, there is a small corner of the chassis, and I don’t know if I can accept it: if it is acceptable, Jingdong is willing to give compensation of 100 yuan. If it is not acceptable, he will open an application for a new chassis. After I got it, I found that the corners were indeed knocked, and it was a little deformed, but it was bearable, and it was not particularly conspicuous. I couldn’t stand the days without a powerful computer, so I directly chose the compensation plan and let Jingdong compensate the company’s account by 100 yuan.

Later, JD.com called a few more times to confirm whether the computer was repaired, and then mentioned some good things (it was obvious that they really cared about this), and I agreed one by one.

All in all, my computer is fine again, happy!

 : ) neofetch - ` xuanwo@xuanwo-work .o+ ` ------------------ ` ooo/ OS: Arch Linux x86_64 ` +oooo: Host: 90RC00EGCP ZhengJiuZhe REN7000P-26AMR ` +oooooo: Kernel: 5.19.3-zen1-1-zen -+oooooo+: Uptime: 1 hour, 18 mins ` /:-:++oooo+: Packages: 1083 ( pacman ) , 2 ( nix-user ) ` /++++/+++++++: Shell: zsh 5.9 ` /++++++++++++++: Resolution: 3840x2160 ` /+++ooooooooooooo/ ` DE: Plasma 5.25.4 ./ooosssso++osssssso+ ` WM: KWin .oossssso- ```` /ossssss+ ` Theme: Breeze Light [ Plasma ] , Breeze [ GTK2/3 ] -osssssso. :ssssssso. Icons: [ Plasma ] , breeze [ GTK2/3 ] :osssssss/ osssso+++. Terminal: WezTerm /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X ( 32 ) @ 3.400GHz ` /ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT ` +sso+:- ` ` .-/+oso: Memory: 5838MiB / 64164MiB ` ++:. ` -/+/ . ` ` /

This article is reproduced from: https://xuanwo.io/reports/2022-33/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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