“2+2=5”: The so-called freedom is the freedom that two plus two equals four

Original link: https://cry33.com/archives/1152.html

Today, I would like to recommend a short foreign situational film “2+2=5”. This short film is only a few minutes long, but it is very thought-provoking after watching it.

Let me tell you the outline of the story: In a quiet classroom, the teacher with a serious face writes 2+2=5 on the blackboard, but how will the students who are used to 2+2=4 react? Do they choose to agree with the teacher, or dare to insist on their own answers?

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Finally, let me talk about my impressions.

The so-called 2+2= ❓ , we cannot look at this formula from a mathematical point of view. So the answer pointed by the question mark does not represent a specific number, but represents obedience. To put it bluntly, this is an obedience test.

In fact, this kind of routine is not the ancient trick of pointing a deer into a horse. Deer and horses, as long as a normal person can distinguish. But some people deliberately confuse the public and let everyone express their opinions. Then the purpose is obvious. The so-called those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish, everyone can figure it out.

Therefore, the original simple question eventually became the art of standing in line. Just ask if you accept it or not?

And my answer is:

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