6 methods of javascript asynchronous operation

Modes for asynchronous operations:

1 callback function

2 event listener

3 Publish/Subscribe

4 Promises are a solution to asynchronous programming that is more reasonable and more powerful than the traditional solutions – callback functions and events. It was first proposed and implemented by the community, ES6 wrote it into the language standard, unified usage, and natively provided Promise objects

5 Generator function is an asynchronous programming solution provided by ES6. The syntax and behavior are completely different from traditional functions. The Generator function brings JavaScript asynchronous programming into a new stage.

6 async function: ES2017 standard introduces async function, which makes asynchronous operation more convenient.

What is an async function? In a word, it’s syntactic sugar for the Generator function.

The post javascript 6 ways to operate asynchronously first appeared on Lenix Blog .

This article is reprinted from https://blog.p2hp.com/archives/9417
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