About the batch processing script of the warehouse, the efficiency is improved by 500%

Many times, we will encounter such a scene

  • Changed a new computer, need to clone gitlab repos one by one?
  • Not sure which repo contains the maven.aliyun.com setting?
  • Can I update local repos in batches?

If you have the above questions or situations, you can try some methods of batch processing repos in this article

batch clone

ruby cloneRepos.rb code-git-xxxxxx ../projects/

The content of cloneRepos.rb script is as follows

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#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'httparty' require 'json'  def cloneRepos ( repoUrlApi ) headers = { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN' : ARGV [ 0 ] , } response = HTTParty . get ( repoUrlApi , headers : headers ) data = JSON . parse ( response . body ); puts data . length () data . each { | e | name = e [ 'name' ] gitUrl = e [ 'ssh_url_to_repo' ] system "cd #{ ARGV [ 1 ] } && git clone #{ gitUrl } " puts name } end  cloneRepos ( 'https://code.hahaha.io/api/v4/projects?per_page=100' ) cloneRepos ( 'https://code.hahaha.io/api/v4/projects?per_page=100&page=2' )

Parameter explanation

  • code-git-xxxxxx The token obtained from gitlab is obtained according to the instructions in the following figure


  • The directory where ../projects is stored


This script can only process the first 200 repos at present. If necessary, you can modify the code to process it yourself.
Batch project search

quick search

For example, we want to search maven.aliyun.com

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projects gradleSearch.sh maven.aliyun.com ./xxxx/example/android/build.gradle:7: url 'http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/repositories/releases/' ./xxxxx/example/android/build.gradle:23: url 'http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/repositories/releases/' ./xxxx/android/build.gradle:22: url 'https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public/' ./xxxx/example/android/build.gradle:6: maven { url 'https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/google'

The content of gradleSearch.sh is as follows

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#!/bin/bash find . -name "*.gradle" | xargs grep -E -n --color = always -r "$1"

Bulk update


Its content is like this

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#!/bin/bash for dir in */; do    echo "$dir" realpath = ` realpath $dir ` echo $realpath cd $realpath git checkout master git pull origin master cd - done


  • If the current repo has uncommitted changes, it cannot be updated.

Through the above few scripts, we can easily achieve efficiency improvement.


This article is reprinted from https://droidyue.com/blog/2022/09/04/speed-up-about-cloning-git-repos-and-updating-them/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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