At 20:17 on September 02, “Ye Kai” released a new update

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Originally, I planned to go to the beach by subway to get a hair dryer. After calculating the time for the round-trip journey, I gave up when I went to bed around ten o’clock. After thinking about it again, I would make a compromise and go to the nearby seaside bridge to wind my hair.

When I was tossing the blog until after five o’clock, I finally went out. I wanted to sweep a “little blue car (30-day riding card)” and ride to the beach, but I didn’t find that there was only “green orange”, so I should just walk. . After walking for ten minutes, the feeling of numbness in my left leg was really caused by sitting in front of the computer desk for too long. After walking for ten minutes, this feeling was relieved, and I basically didn’t feel it afterward.

When passing a road section, I found that “three vehicles rear-end collision”, I feel that the taxi in the middle needs to be repaired in two places, and the big car and the small car in front need to be repaired in one place. I’m also very curious, and I don’t know how the three cars collided with each other. Usually, this road is rarely jammed at this location, and there is still a turning point in front.

I walked slowly, and walked about “four or five kilometers” until I reached the bridge by the sea. I stood on the bridge blowing the sea breeze and looked at the traffic on the opposite side. I thought I could calm down, but I couldn’t. I swiped Douyin and watched the pedestrians on the bridge and the subway going back and forth.

Today I walked slowly without any intense exercise, so I didn’t sweat much, so I didn’t bother to walk back, so I’d better take the bus. I thought this bus was almost full when no one got on the bus. Fortunately, someone got off the bus and the seat was vacant, so I took a seat. After a few stops, a few students and an uncle came up, so I gave up the job to the uncle. I Just stand and prepare to get off at the next stop (you can get off at that stop, just see how much more you walk). I thought that the next station would be here soon, but the fact is that the road is blocked in traffic, I am speechless, plus this is a “small bus”, I feel too abrupt when I stand (reach out and touch the top) I wasn’t used to it, but luckily I got off the bus at last, and hurried back to the dormitory.

ps: I feel hungry, wait for a “seaweed egg soup” to relieve the hunger. I’m going to eat something good tomorrow and make a hodgepodge? Anyway, I don’t know how to cook, so I just pour everything into it and stew it haha, I’m as witty as me hahaha.

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