Audi CEO says European carmakers should stop using fossil fuels by 2040

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PRODUCTION, April 25 (Reuters) – European carmakers should gradually wean themselves off fossil fuels starting in 2040, Markus Duessmann, chief executive of Volkswagen Group’s Audi brand, said, while calling for the company’s headquarters in Audi’s headquarters. in Bavaria and elsewhere to accelerate the expansion of renewable energy capacity.

Markus Duessmann advocated at a conference: “As Europeans, let us be brave and take responsibility for a complete elimination of fossil fuels from 2040. We must devote all our energy to electric vehicles to meet the needs of personal mobility. “

Audi will stop selling internal-combustion vehicles from 2033. The company said its parent company Volkswagen Group will stop selling diesel locomotives in Europe from 2035, followed by China and the United States.

Still, other automakers such as BMW have warned against prematurely focusing on electric vehicles as demand for combustion engines remains high. BMW CEO Oliver Zipse said recently, “We must be cautious about the emergence of new technologies and the development of electric vehicles, because their development will increase the dependence on very few countries.” Oliver Zipse has long advocated against it. A complete ban on the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles. Providing more energy-efficient combustion engine vehicles is key, both from a profit perspective and an environmental perspective, he believes, mainly due to poor charging infrastructure and the high price of electric vehicles.

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