ZhiHU | 知乎

124,000 Porsche Panameras were snapped up, and Porsche responded that “the situation is true and an agreement has been reached with the first user.” How do you view this situation?

The first user is here The first single user is me! Shit, he suddenly became a hot search hero! Regarding the 124,000 purchase of Panamera on Porsche’s official website, I confirmed with the salesperson that I was the first user who placed an order on the entire network. . . . Let me first explain […]

124,000 Porsche Panameras were snapped up, and Porsche responded that “the situation is true and an agreement has been reached with the first user.” How do you view this situation? Read More »

How would you rate Warhammer: Chronicles of the Horus Heresy by Alan Murrett?

Visions of Heresy (published in China and translated as “The Chronicle of the Horus Rebellion”) is a collection of paintings and stories briefly describing the history of the Horus Rebellion. Over the past twenty years, as the story of the Horus Rebellion has been enriched and new art illustrations have been added, this book has

How would you rate Warhammer: Chronicles of the Horus Heresy by Alan Murrett? Read More »

How is the domestic publishing and introduction of “Warhammer” novels, and what recommendations do you have?

Hello everyone, I am the translator of the Warhammer 40K official novel “Dark Empire” trilogy and “The Horus Rebellion Chronicle” introduced by Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House. The first contact with the world view and story of Warhammer was nearly twenty years ago. But the real in-depth understanding was after I started making independent

How is the domestic publishing and introduction of “Warhammer” novels, and what recommendations do you have? Read More »

How do you evaluate the movie “Man Jianghong”‘s fusion of three different types of costumes, suspense, and comedy?

Chen Yu, author and screenwriter of the original script of “Man Jianghong” Thank you. In the promotion and evaluation of “Man Jianghong”, the tags used mentioned the three words ancient costume, suspense, and comedy. These three characteristic films have all. In the field of public opinion, these words can be used to describe this movie.

How do you evaluate the movie “Man Jianghong”‘s fusion of three different types of costumes, suspense, and comedy? Read More »

What is the difficulty of the “particle ink” technique used in “Deep Sea”?

To talk about particle ink, first of all, we cannot avoid the art director of this film who created this painting style: Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu’s Chinese-style painting style that combines ink and rock colors is very unique. This style of painting has strong rendering power, bright colors, and the tension and freedom of ink

What is the difficulty of the “particle ink” technique used in “Deep Sea”? Read More »

Should cartoonists change their works according to the opinions of editors?

Compared with creators, editors are essentially about the identity of “experienced readers who know the plot ” except for some work handover content. Compared with ordinary readers, the main advantages of editors are: see a little more Communicate with the author a lot, probably know the follow-up plot This “many” reading does not mean that

Should cartoonists change their works according to the opinions of editors? Read More »

How do you evaluate the 2023 Chinese New Year short film “Fish Lantern” of Yuyuanshen?

Hello everyone, I am Liao Yiyuan, the director of “Fish Lantern”. I am an advertising director, and also the father of a four-year-old child. In this cooperation with mhy, in addition to my professionalism and hard work at the director level, it is more about bringing myself as a father and the emotions with my

How do you evaluate the 2023 Chinese New Year short film “Fish Lantern” of Yuyuanshen? Read More »