Computer World: No longer able to maintain business, shutdown since April 27

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 Titan Media App reported on April 27. Today, Computer World issued a notice saying that starting from April 27, 2022, the company will be closed and all employees will be on standby.  Computerworld said in a notice that since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the company has continued to suffer heavy losses. As of the beginning of this year, the company's cash flow has been cut off, and it has been unable to pay employees' salaries and other operating expenses. Even employees' social security provident fund expenses are paid by borrowing from multiple parties. The company's foreign affiliated units have their accounts frozen and are deeply involved in disputes, resulting in the long-term stay of legal persons in other places, which further aggravates the company's crisis.  Employees who owe wages have resigned and initiated labor arbitration. Currently, there are nearly 10 cases waiting for labor arbitration to start. Some employees chose the labor inspection team to complain, but when the labor inspectors learned about the company’s situation, they said that there were many similar companies in the past two years. Even if the inspection department issued an official document ordering the company to pay wages, it would not solve the problem of the company’s lack of funds.  Computerworld said the company was no longer able to stay afloat.

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