DDIA Reading Notes (3): B-Tree and LSM-Tree


The DDIA book sharing session will be shared chapter by chapter, and some details will be added based on some of my experience in distributed storage and databases in the industry. Share every two weeks or so, welcome to join, the Schedule is here. We have a corresponding distributed & database discussion group, which will be notified in the group before each sharing. If you want to join, you can add my WeChat account: qtmuniao, briefly introduce yourself, and indicate: distributed system group.

Chapter 2 covers the upper-level abstractions: data models and query languages.
This chapter dives a little deeper, focusing on how the underlying database handles queries and storage. Among them, there is a logical chain :

Use Scenario → Query Type → Storage Format.

Source: https://www.qtmuniao.com/2022/04/16/ddia-reading-chapter3-part1/

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