Did I take my medicine? Prevent forgetting to take or overdose, support photo evidence [Android]

Did I take medicine? It is an Android application that reminds to take medicine, manages and tracks medicine taking, supports complex taking plan reminder, and can set every taking medicine must be photographed to leave evidence. @Appinn


In the article MyTherapy Medication Reminder – Reminders, Records, Health Reports [iOS/Android] , @ JP311 recommended this similar app. As for why you don’t use the above one, it’s mainly because you can’t get it down.?

Did I take medicine?

Did I take medicine? It’s an open-source app that records when medicines are taken, “designed to help users prevent missed and/or overdose doses.”

It can set a more complex schedule, whether it is multiple daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual reminders, each drug can trigger an independent reminder notification:

我吃药了吗?防止忘记服药或者过量服药,支持拍照证据[Android] 1

A taking plan corresponds to a reminder. If it is three times a day, then you need to set three plans for different time periods. Pay attention to the ” take photo proof ” function in the first picture above. It is very interesting. After opening it, every time you record it. When taking the medicine, the camera will automatically turn on, and you need to take a picture to record it.

Of course you want to shoot yourself or a pill, that’s whatever.

Then it is very simple and easy to use, with its own Chinese interface, which is recommended for those who have complex medication needs.


Original link: https://ift.tt/DNwAL43

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