Dingding slimmed down, adjusted self-developed SaaS and other teams, and focused on weighted businesses

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Text | Su Jianxun

Recently, it is reported that Dingding has begun to adjust its organization and personnel, and the proportion is less than 10%. In this regard, Dingding officials did not respond.

According to people close to Dingding, there is indeed an internal “organization optimization” action, but it is very different from the proportion exposed on social platforms. This time, it is not a major layoff, but the company’s routine fiscal year performance appraisal and replacement and business adjustment are rushed together, and the overall adjustment ratio is less than 10%.


The picture comes from the pulse

According to insiders, the ratio of Dingding’s performance replacement in previous years was between 4% and 10%, and this year’s performance replacement ratio was around 6%. In addition, there are some natural resignations this year. Overall, the overall ratio is similar to previous years.

In addition, due to the strategic adjustment of Dingding, some modules with reduced business weight have also been abolished recently. The strategic adjustment of large companies means changes, and the most direct one is the manpower ratio of each department. The main team involved in this adjustment is the team that has previously reinvested in self-developed SaaS and self-developed hardware.

In March this year, DingTalk held a press conference announcing that only one thing to do is PaaS, focusing on the construction of underlying capabilities, only building a basic capability platform, maintaining the same position as a collaborative office and application development platform, and continuing to strategically invest in documentation and audio Basic products such as videos, projects, conferences, etc., are left to the ecology, including industrial applications, professional applications in human, financial, property, supply, marketing and research scenarios, and the hardware is fully ecological.

“In response to strategic adjustments, some non-weight businesses are losing weight as a whole,” said the insider.

In contrast, some weighted departments have not been affected much, and are even recruiting people on a large scale. For example, in the heavily invested audio and video field, it also acquired a technical team of more than 100 people.

On the social platform, there are also DingTalk employees who broke the news that more than 100 offers from school and social recruitment are being recruited, saying that the overall number of incoming and outgoing is similar.

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This article is reprinted from: https://readhub.cn/topic/8fXynnuKoiZ
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