Disassembly reverse artifact_x64dbg_2022.06.20_Chinese version

Original link: https://ldqk.xyz/2179

x64dbg, program reverse disassembly modification artifact, free and open source x64/x32 bit dynamic debugger, professional program debugger for Windows, software supports Chinese interface and plug-ins, interface and operation methods are similar to OllyDbg debugging tool, support similar C expression parsing Debugger, DLL and EXE file debugging, IDA-style jump arrows and sidebars, dynamic recognition module instructions, disassembly, automated debuggable scripting languages, and many other useful reverse analysis functions. The x64dbg debugger is mainly divided into three parts carriers: DBG is the debugging function part of the debugger, which handles the debugging technology (TitanEngine used) and provides data for the GUI. GUI is the graphical part of the debugger, which uses the Qt programming language to provide a user interface. Bridge is the communication library for the DBG and GUI parts, it can be used to work on new functions, and…

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