Experience becoming a node of PCDN

Making money with idle bandwidth might be a good option.


In fact, I have also adjusted PCDN before, such as Xunlei’s network core cloud, etc. The main reason is that the network at that time happened to be a full cone, so I only did it for a while, and I earned about 50CNY a month. However, almost all the networks I encountered were symmetric networks, so I didn’t do it again. However, I did some small experiments recently. The network I am on is a mobile network. As we all know, it is almost difficult for a mobile network home broadband to obtain a public network IP. Because the mobile itself also has a layer of NAT, so I didn’t think about it on my router, thinking that my router should not have any inexplicable restrictions. However, after I flashed the router to OpenWRT, I realized that something didn’t seem right.

The experience of tossing routers

The router I use is the Xiaomi router 4A 100M version (R4AC), and one day I came across an article about the flashing tutorial for this router . Generally, Xiaomi routers need to be connected to a U disk to flash the machine, but this router does not have a USB interface. However, it is unexpected that the firmware of Xiaomi router has loopholes. Some bosses wrote a general script to directly enter Xiaomi’s system to flash the machine. Because the Xiaomi router system itself is also based on OpenWRT, the operation is the same as the ordinary Linux system.

It turned out that I was lucky. I followed the tutorial once and I successfully flashed it. After I finished flashing the configuration, I experienced it. Whether it is from the speed of the management panel or the network speed and delay when using it, it feels much faster than the official firmware, and the function is much faster. It is also more powerful. For example, it is very convenient to hang frp directly on the router. In the process of experience, I found an option called “Enable FullCone-NAT”, although I feel that the upper layer network should not support full cone… In short, this option is turned on as an experiment. After opening it, I tried it with a NAT type detection tool on my computer, and it’s a real full cone network. At this time, I recalled my previous experience of engaging in Netxinyun, and planned to continue engaging in it this time.

The experience of making money with idle bandwidth

I downloaded the virtual machine of Wangxinyun on the official website and put it in Hyper-V. I still like it. I don’t like to install inexplicable domestic software on the computer. I always feel that they will leave something on my computer. Virtual Machine is much better. However, during the configuration process, there were some problems with the configuration of the virtual switch, because as a PCDN node, the less NAT penetrated, the better. Instead of using the default switch, use a switch that bridges to the external network. I use a laptop to connect to the network, so I initially planned to use the wireless network as the upper layer of the bridge network. After configuring the switch, it can also be used, but the problem is that my computer has a special card problem inexplicably, and the problem mainly occurs where the network is required, such as opening the browser and opening the network configuration page. Downloading files will also be stuck. This can’t be done. This whole thing can’t affect my normal use of the computer… In the end, I can’t help it. I found a network cable in the package for a while, connected it to the router, and then configured the network of the virtual switch to the wired network. .

The system of Wangxinyun is also doing well. The system itself basically does not need to be configured. As long as the activation code is filled in, and the network and hard disk are configured, there is basically no problem. Now, the activation code can still be received for free. I think I still spent 15CNY to buy the activation code back then. ? .

At present, I have already configured it. After running for a night, it was not bad, and I earned 0.7CNY. Because it is a newly installed machine, there is no cache yet. After the cache is increased, it will be much better.


It’s good to do PCDN. The cost is basically only electricity bills and hard disk loss. Others can be considered as costs. After all, bandwidth and computers are normal expenses. If you can get a good network, the whole thing is also good. s Choice.

This article is reprinted from: https://mabbs.github.io/2022/04/17/pcdn.html
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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