F.I.R.E Records: Back to the Crater #10

Starting from 2022, the first issue of records has not been written, but one has no action, and the other has no mood, and has been dragging on. It has been dragged down until today, and the market has continued to slump. The data is very ugly, and almost all accounts have lost money. Congratulations, the A-share market fell by 3,000 points, the next support point is 2,800, and another diamond crater is coming.

plan tracking


On the premise of ensuring the quality of life, accumulate assets for 10 years (annualized investment return of 10%) to achieve the goal of supporting basic life with income after sleep.

Achievement rate

The current principal completion rate is 56.54%, and the total asset target completion rate is 26.78%, an increase of 3.13% over the previous record.


The logic of plan tracking is to start calculation from 2021, so the net assets on January 1, 2020 are recorded as the starting assets, and the current account change information is as follows:

Investment allocation

There is no change in asset allocation as a whole. From the data point of view, the A-share grid is a little too much. It was originally going to drop from 10%. As a result, the total proportion of grid purchases has increased to nearly 15%. A good sign.

Since the beginning of the year, the market has become even more ugly. Last year, the annual return was positive. For more than three months, the return rate is -9.5%, which is better than the -18% of CSI 300…¥%*. Although it has plummeted, it still insists on some operations every month:

  • I bought a bunch of things such as information, medical care, Hang Seng, China Concepts, and consumption.
  • Monthly fixed investment in CSI 300 + CSI 500, 2 each; monthly fixed investment in Fuguo Tianhui (manufacturing, finance) and Xingquan Heyi (manufacturing, information transmission) each month; monthly fixed investment in BlackRock Technology Fund 3 1 share (Hong Kong and US stocks); 1 share of happiness every month.
  • I bought a few more nets for grid trading, and this time it really didn’t work at all.
  • Increase the proportion of cash to 25% as a safety pad, and make up positions as appropriate.

consumption and spending

In the first three months of this year, the overall consumption exceeded 10,000 yuan, mainly in terms of consumption and shopping. It can be regarded as an indulgence of the Spring Festival. After working from home, it is impossible to consume, and I do not want to participate in expensive group purchases. It is better to eat instant noodles.

When I discussed the annual consumption with my friends before, everyone exclaimed, “You spend so little.” After thinking about it carefully, I really have low material desires. A friend said that he wanted to give me a gift and asked me to choose. It’s not good, it’s not good, it’s easy to lose enthusiasm for life!

a little other

The stock market has returned to the gold pit. To be honest, many people are frightened. On the one hand, the economic recession warning is high, and on the other hand, the bullets have already been fired, so they may have to watch. I didn’t start investing when I was in the diamond pit last time, but this time I caught up with my plan and tried it out. I insisted on buying it according to the plan. “It’s a big deal!”

The spread of the virus in Shanghai can be called a chaos in a peaceful and prosperous world. Under this situation, the devaluation of the renminbi, the economic recession, inflation, and the deterioration of local finances are all inevitable. In addition to continuing to save money to prepare, the next step is to tighten the belt and wait for when the boots will fall. The quiet years only exist in imagination. No generation can grow old smoothly. We are just beginning to see the reality of the world that our parents have seen since childhood.

This article is reproduced from: https://utopia.pursuitus.com/archives/4207
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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