Feng Xiang (annotation): Loving the enemy (Luke 6:27-38)

Original link: http://www.ideobook.com/3174/love-your-enemies/


Most of Jesus’ teachings and allegories are straightforward prose. But Luke’s writing, sometimes with poetic rhetoric, gentle style, rich vocabulary, eruditissimus (Saint Jerome), is comparable to the solemnity of “Hebrews” quotations; one says he is the author of “New Testament” The only foreign race (“Greeks”) in the country. “Love your enemy”, commentators often cite the First Gospel record, Matthew 5:38 below. The latter addresses the hostility of the scribes and Pharisees, emphasizing that believers must act “to perfection” or else “will never enter the kingdom of heaven”, Matthew 5:20, 48. And perfection, teleioi, is beyond the literal or narrow understanding of “the law of the ancestors”, pursuing the spirit/spirit of the holy law, and focusing on the prevention of sin in the heart. Therefore, the Son of Man enumerates six “antitheses”, antitheses, not to cancel the law, but to propose new solutions: from not murdering to not taking anger on brothers; from not committing adultery to not having lustful thoughts; from allowing divorce to prohibit divorce (except for infidelity, respect the patriarchal society’s requirements for succession); from abstaining from false oaths to abstaining from oaths (to avoid speaking “out of great evil”); from the ethics of vengeance (family duty), Genesis 4:23, or the law of homomorphic vengeance , lex talionis, Exodus 21:23-25, to not rebel against the wicked; from loving your neighbor and hating your enemy to loving your enemy. All this is to “fulfill the law”, Matthew 5:17 (Introduction to The Sword). Luke does not speak of fulfillment or fulfillment of the law. “Love the enemy” is followed by the “four blessings and four evils,” the outline of Jesus’ gospel of the poor, Luke 6:20-26. So who are the enemies of the congregation of Christ? The Jerusalem priest who rejected the gospel, or the Roman soldier who crucified Jesus? Or those hypocrites who “see only the sawdust in his brother’s eye and never care about the beam in his own”, 6:41? But great love, agape, once given to the enemy, man has no enemy; with the patriots, the Zealots who failed to revolt, and the zealots who revolted again, and the two “robbers” who suffered with the Son of Man, lestes, The line was always drawn. Is it necessary to love like this in order to be able to attain the long-awaited universal salvation? However, since the Son of Man is the testimony of God’s love, piety must be bound up with great love, 1 Thess. 3:12, 2 Peter 1:7. Only love can show the spirit of the Holy Law: if you encounter a lost ox or donkey from your enemy, you should take it and return it to him. When you see the donkey of someone who hates you fall under heavy load, you should step forward to help and pull the donkey, and don’t walk away and ignore it, Exodus 23:4-5. And also: do not hate the people of Red Ridge (the old enemy of Israel), who are your brothers; do not detest the Egyptians (the enslavers), whose home you were a sojourner, Deuteronomy 23:8. The first-century Jewish historian Josephus also said that the law of Moses was extremely lenient, epiieikeia, even to the mortal enemy of the people (Abion 2:209-11). Yea, the gospel of the bitter spirit, is to love the least able to repay, and to be justified and merciful, as the Father is most merciful, 6:36. There is a rabbinical proverb that speaks of this kind of love: Be like servants who wait for a reward, and those who serve God expect nothing in return (Ancestors 1:3). 27 But I tell you, listen: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 Give blessings to those who curse you, and pray for those who insult you. 29 If someone slaps you on one side of the cheek, give him the other; if he takes your outer robe, you do not even keep your inner robe. 30 If you ask, you will give; if you take away, you will not pursue it. 31 Treat others as you would like to be treated to you. 32 What is the merit if you love only those who love you? Because even sinners love the Dharma like that. 33 What is the merit if you treat only those who treat you kindly? Even sinners do it. 34 What is the merit if you lend only to those who are expected to be repaid? Even the sinners borrow and repay the money, and the money is not short. 35 On the contrary, love your enemies, be kind to them and lend them not expecting to pay them back. In this way, you will be rewarded generously and be the children of the Most High because he is [the same] kind to those who are ungrateful. 36 Therefore be merciful, as your Father is most merciful. 37 Do not judge, lest you be judged; do not condemn, lest you be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven; 38 Give, and you will be given: a bucket full of it, shake it firmly, and the tip of the heap falls in your arms. For what you measure people will also be measured by what they measure. Note 6:27 To love an enemy, agapate tous echthrous, expands the scope of the Mosaic law “Love your neighbor as yourself,” Lev 19:18. 6:28 Blessings/prayer for curses/insults: Model of Jesus on the cross, Luke 23:34, Acts 7:60, also magnifying conventional wisdom, Proverbs 25:21-22. 6:29 Give him that side (cheek) too: This sentence of the First Gospel is more specific: “If anyone criticizes your right cheek, turn your left cheek and give it to him”, Matthew 5:39. The right cheek is criticized, that is, the other party uses his right hand to slap the face with the back of his hand; this was a gesture of the master punishing slaves or insulting people in the time of Jesus. If he takes your robe: This sentence is not as powerful as Matthew: “If anyone wants to sue you and take your robe, let him take your robe”, Matthew 5:40. Take the robe, or the creditor takes it as a pledge, Exodus 22:25. The outer robe is the quilt of the poor, and it cannot be given up even more than the inner robe. 6:31 Treat others as you would like them to be treated to you/as you should treat others: the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself” and the proverb “Do not do to others what you would not like to do to yourself” are one, commonly known as the “Golden Law”, Lev 19: 18, Beb 4:15, Matthew 7:12 note. 6:32 Merit, charis, favor, help, metonymy is the quality of behavior that earns God’s favor. It’s the same way of loving, but it’s another way: love those who love them too. 6:34 Loans and repays money, not short of a penny. Literal translation: Also lend to sinners, and repay in full. 6:35 Don’t expect repayment, one: Don’t make people/despair of people. Sons of the Most High: The Justified, the Holy (Introduction to My Heart Majesty the Lord). Grace (the ungrateful), chrestos, the salvation of sinners, Psalm 25:8. 6:36 Mercy/Most Merciful, oiktirmon, the core of divinity, based on covenant grace, Exodus 20:6, 34:6-7, and faithfulness among the people, Hos 4:1. 6:37 To judge, krinete, to distinguish, criticize, judge, especially between disciples or believers, Matthew 7:1. Condemned: Refers specifically to God’s judgment and punishment. Forgiveness, apolythesesthe, also refers to release, forgiveness (debt), Matthew 6:14. 6:38 bucket, metron, measure, measure of man, Matt 7:2. The bosom, kolpos, refers specifically to the wrapping of the robe to form a pocket-like interlayer. This article is included in the “Psalms of Psalms”, with a bibliography.

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