Good Tools Weekly (Issue 27): BgSub, Txtmoji, Slickr, Moodly, Windy, Podcast Together, Graph Paper

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Good Tools Weekly (Issue 27): BgSub, Txtmoji, Slickr, Moodly, Windy, Podcast Together, Graphics Graph Paper

Discover and share fun, creative, free and easy-to-use tools, published every Thursday. Created by BestXTools .

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? Online Tools

BgSub – remove or replace image background without uploading image

An online image processing tool that uses artificial intelligence technology to automatically remove and replace image backgrounds. Local processing, protect user privacy, completely free, no registration required, and high-definition pictures can be downloaded. It can be used to cut out pictures, change backgrounds, make ID photos, etc.


BgSub - 消除或者替换图像背景,无需上传图像

BgSub - 消除或者替换图像背景,无需上传图像

BgSub - 消除或者替换图像背景,无需上传图像

BgSub - 消除或者替换图像背景,无需上传图像

Similar tools:

Txtmoji | Encrypt Text to Emojis

A tool that can encrypt a piece of text into Emoji emoticons.


Txtmoji | Encrypt Text to Emojis

Txtmoji | Encrypt Text to Emojis

Txtmoji | Encrypt Text to Emojis

Slickr – Try the most powerful cover image designer for hashnode blog

A powerful article cover image maker. The author of this tool, Savio Martin , was 14 when he released it (now 15).



Slickr - Try the most powerful cover image designer for hashnode blog

Slickr - Try the most powerful cover image designer for hashnode blog

Similar tools:

Moodly – ​​Relax and focus on work through ambient nature sounds

A simple productivity and focus tool designed to help you achieve better focus and relaxation by listening to the natural sounds around you (white noise). This tool was also created by Savio Martin , the 14-year-old author above, and sold.


Source code: (fork)

Moodly - Relax and focus on work through ambient nature sounds

Moodly - Relax and focus on work through ambient nature sounds

Similar tools:

Windy: Wind map & weather forecast

A high-quality meteorological visualization map tool that displays the global temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed, air pressure, humidity, waves, snow cover, air quality and other visual meteorological data in real time, and makes predictions.


Windy: Wind map & weather forecast

Windy: Wind map & weather forecast

Windy: Wind map & weather forecast

Windy: Wind map & weather forecast

Similar tools:

Listen to podcasts together – listen to podcasts online with your friends in real time!

A gadget that can operate the player in real time with your friends and listen to podcasts online. ( Usage Guide )


Source code:

一起听播客 - 跟你的好友一起实时在线听播客!

一起听播客 - 跟你的好友一起实时在线听播客!

一起听播客 - 跟你的好友一起实时在线听播客!

Graph Paper My Graph Paper

An online DIY website for designing your own graph paper, supports different types of paper, and provides a variety of ready-made templates.


图形方格纸 My Graph Paper

图形方格纸 My Graph Paper

图形方格纸 My Graph Paper

图形方格纸 My Graph Paper

Similar tools:

? Online Toolbox Complete

Many programmers like to make a toolbox. Various tools are often used. Here are some useful online toolboxes at home and abroad.


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? Articles & Resource Sharing

? Tool Recommendations

The above is the whole content of this issue. Which one is your favorite tool in this issue, please leave a message in the comment area . Thanks for reading this far, see you next time!


  • online tools
  • free
  • No registration required

Recommended way:

The above is the whole content of this issue. Thanks for reading this far, see you next time!

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