How to understand Lu Xun’s “one is a jujube tree, the other is a jujube tree”?

When I hosted the Zhihu 2022 World Book Day live broadcast yesterday, I mentioned this sentence in the live broadcast room, which drew a lot of thoughts from the two guests and the audience in the live broadcast room. After seeing this question, I will write my own thoughts here.

I first learned this sentence in the text when I was in school, and it didn’t make sense to read it. The teacher at the time did not give me a convincing enough answer. So such a magical sentence has always been in my mind, and later it became a stalk on the Internet. Wasn’t the stock market not very good last year, I forgot to see him post a picture on whose idea I bought the stock by myself (It could also be a fund, I don’t remember), and a sentence was written below it: “I bought two stocks, one is green and the other is green.”

While laughing, I suddenly felt that I understood what Lu Xun meant. Does the jujube tree also contain some kind of self-deprecating ingredient? So I ran to Zhihu to search, and saw someone put forward a statement that the jujube tree was a relatively cheap and easy-to-support tree at Lu Xun’s time. In contrast, peach tree, pear tree and even ginkgo are relatively precious trees. The same tree carries different meanings. It’s just that today’s readers are separated from the historical environment at that time and from the countryside, and are not sensitive to trees, so naturally they can’t read the humor in the words.

I shared this statement on the live broadcast, and some viewers in the barrage also felt a sense of enlightenment. But in the later live broadcast, the guest teacher Zhang Chun reminded me that what I saw was only one of the many explanations, because Lu Xun himself did not explain this sentence specifically (he couldn’t do it either, after all, he asked the creator to put his own It’s really inappropriate to explain the work again, whether it’s a painting, a novel or a joke), so later generations have made various interpretations around this seemingly contradictory sentence, and it’s almost the same as Mr. Zhang’s impression. Ten kinds.

I’m more interested when I hear this, because since I read the statement above, Lu Xun’s words have been with me all the time. Whenever I encounter some difficulties, feel troubled or embarrassed, my mind will A deep voice in the middle of the room began to sing: “There are two trees in my backyard…” After that, I laughed and didn’t find it difficult. For me, this sentence alone is far more than a sentence in a certain literary work, it has grown up with me. I attribute this to the gift of reading, and at first my encounter with it was not even active reading, but only the text that must be learned in Chinese class.

From this, I thought that the meaning of reading to each of us may be purified by time and experience. Those words that no one forces us to read after we come into contact with them, and that we will go back to repeatedly, are the ones that truly belong to us. After these words repeatedly collide with several moments in our life, they form a look that fits our feelings.

In the past two years, the years are no longer quiet. When people have a lot of things to say and emotions about today, I see many people go back to Lu Xun. “Lu Xun: I didn’t say this sentence” more and more became “I’m going, Lu Xun really said this sentence.” When I was in middle school, I couldn’t understand it at all. ? The older I get now, the more I feel that any of his articles selected in the textbook is very good, and a single article cannot fully show how good he is. From “jujube tree”, “people’s joys and sorrows”, to the phrase “Master” in Runtu, these are not “famous sayings”, but they are all in my life when I want to shout when I feel depressed, from nothingness. A clear appearance emerges in the middle, telling me that I am not alone, and it shouts with me.

Lu Xun named his collection of short stories “The Scream”, which made me feel more intimate.

Source: Zhihu

Author: Weng Xin

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There are 101 more answers to this question, see all.

Further reading:

Lu Xun’s “There are two trees in my yard, one is a jujube tree and the other is a jujube tree.” Are such sentences in the article really meaningless?

Lu Xun: There are two trees in front of my house, one is a jujube tree and the other is a jujube tree. Where is the beauty?

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