July 2022 Monthly Summary

Original link: https://www.ixiqin.com/2022/07/31/in-july-2022-the-monthly-summary/

Objective 1: Continue to obtain cash flow and build a cash cow with future income

KR1: The investment income reaches 20,000 yuan

The floating profit that fell before has risen again. Still quite happy.

KR2: The single manuscript fee exceeds 6,000 yuan

no change. But I saw a new point of view:

Offer first to provide output that matches the corresponding price; keep circulating and provide value.

Try it next month.

KR3: Achieving the annual budget and spending within the budget

After changing to a new budget model and adjusting the calculation, I found that my basic expenses for July were around 8,000, which seemed to be relatively controllable. Housing costs are still relatively high. Continue to observe later. If the control is good, the annual cost is less than 100,000.

KR4: Build a software-based cash cow business with an expected revenue of RMB 10,000m

No progress.

Objective 2: Improve living infrastructure and build a good foundation for future life

KR1: Travel to 6 cities

epidemic. . . Don’t go out.

KR2: Perform 20 recreational activities

I mainly read books at home, but I didn’t go out much.

KR3: Reduce time spent on housework-related tasks with smart devices

No progress yet

Objective 3 : Broaden horizons and create talents in diverse industries

KR1: Write 15 Book Reviews

Two Book Reviews of the Month

KR2: 12 Newsletters about cryptocurrencies

No progress yet. But I have started to use Heptabase recently, and I hope the output will be successful as soon as possible!

KR3: Complete the writing of the three planned books

No progress yet.

This article is reprinted from: https://www.ixiqin.com/2022/07/31/in-july-2022-the-monthly-summary/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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