LifeOS My Personal Management System

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After entering the era of artificial intelligence, how to effectively manage personal knowledge, improve work efficiency, think innovatively and improve the quality of life has become a challenge for each of us. For this reason, in March of this year, I proposed the concept of LifeOS, which is a complete personal knowledge management theory and practical method. In May, I proposed CETDE, a methodology for building personal knowledge management workflows based on LifeOS 1.0.
Understanding and applying LifeOS and CETDE can help us build a complete personal knowledge management system and realize comprehensive and effective self-management.
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What is LifeOS

LifeOS is a comprehensive personal knowledge management theory and practical method, and it is a vivid practice of applying the life Zen concept proposed by the old monk Jinghui to personal knowledge management. Its goal is to enable individuals to efficiently collect, organize, apply and innovate various knowledge in the era of artificial intelligence, so as to achieve the state of “Zen” and enjoy the magical effects of “Zen”. Its core idea is to manage our knowledge, life and work in a systematic way to achieve maximum efficiency and innovation, and keep our body and mind at a healthy level.
LifeOS 1.0 © Shucheng Leslie LifeOS 1.0 © Shucheng Leslie
Compared with version 1.0, LifeOS version 2.0 removes the second brain from the auxiliary system and places it between the output system and the living system, making it a completely independent subsystem. So far, the LifeOS 2.0 version consists of five main subsystems, covering twenty-two sections. These subsystems and sections together form a panoramic perspective of a person’s knowledge management, learning, life, and work. And, through a systematic approach, it helps us better manage and utilize our knowledge and abilities to achieve a higher quality of life and work efficiency.
LifeOS 2.0 © Shucheng Leslie LifeOS 2.0 © Shucheng Leslie
The five subsystems and twenty-two sections of LifeOS 2.0 are:
  1. Input Systems : Concerned with the efficient acquisition and processing of new information, knowledge and ideas.
  • Inspiration Spark: Gather sources of new knowledge and innovative ideas.
  • Information Information: processing and analyzing new information.
  • Nutrition Nutrition: Focus on healthy lifestyle and diet, as well as spiritual nourishment.
  1. The second brain : as a knowledge storehouse and thinking center.
  • Idea Management SMS: Organize and summarize ideas.
  • Learning Management LMS: Organizing and planning learning resources.
  • Document management DMS: save and retrieve documents.
  • Content management CMS: manage all kinds of content, such as blogs, videos, etc.
  • Database Management DBMS: Maintains personal databases.
  • Health Management HMS: Focus on physical and mental health and related information.
  1. Life System : Centrally manages all aspects of an individual’s life.
  • Thoughts: Focus on personal thoughts and opinions.
  • Behavior: Plan and track daily behaviors.
  • Vision Vision: Set personal vision and long-term planning.
  • Goals: Set and track personal goals.
  • Emotions: Focus on emotion management and mental health.
  • Health: Focus on physical and mental health such as exercise and meditation.
  • Environment: Focus on the living environment and atmosphere.
  1. Auxiliary systems : Provide tools and strategies to optimize knowledge management, improve work efficiency and expand human relationship networks.
  • Review Review: Periodically review and summarize knowledge, skills, etc.
  • Social Network Social Network: Establish and maintain a network of relationships.
  • Project: Matters directly related to personal economic benefits.
  1. Output system : focus on the results, satisfaction and income of work and study.
  • Output Outputs: measure individual learning and work outcomes.
  • Fulfillment: Focus on personal fulfillment and fulfillment.
  • Incomes: Focus on personal income and financial status.

What is CETDE

CETDE provides us with a clear framework to process the large amount of information we come into contact with every day, transform this information into practical knowledge and apply it to our life and work. If LifeOS is more biased towards the world view, then CETDE focuses more on methodology.
This framework is based on the DIKW pyramid and modeled after CODE and ECTCS . CETDE stands for Capture, Encode, Transfer, Distill, Express, which is a continuous process from receiving information to generating knowledge output.
  • Capture: The goal of this phase is to capture data from our sensory systems (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, consciousness, etc.). This data can come from anywhere, from the web, or from the world around us.
  • Encode: The encoding phase is our perception of information and knowledge. At this stage, we rely on our knowledge and experience to convert the captured data into useful information.
  • Transfer: Transfer is a process from perception to cognition. During this stage, we form cognition and memory by integrating, distributing and arranging multiple pieces of information.
  • Distill: In the distilling phase, we analyze and understand the information in depth to make it our knowledge. It is a process of deep thought that allows us to build our own understanding and insights.
  • Express (output): Finally, we need to convert this knowledge into valuable output. This could be an article, a product design, a decision, or any form of innovation.

The application of Zen philosophy in life

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The concept of “Life Zen” with the purpose of “enlightening life and dedicating life” was proposed by my teacher, Elder Jinghui, in 1992. The old monk once said:
We must place more importance on the correct cultivation of life than material life, and gradually transform the lost life into a conscious life, gradually transform the polluted life into a purified life, and gradually transform the life of ordinary people into a life of enlightenment. life of saints. This is the Zen of life.
From the perspective of knowledge management, especially from the perspective of LifeOS, the concept of “Life Zen” provides a powerful philosophical and practical framework to integrate, apply and innovate the whole process of personal knowledge management, and it is also guiding us how to improve To better understand, accept and innovate our knowledge and experience.
In the various subsystems of LifeOS, we can see the vivid practice of the concept of “Life Zen”:
  • Input system: When acquiring new knowledge and viewpoints, the concept of “Life Zen” will remind us not only to pay attention to the accumulation of material knowledge, but also to pay attention to the improvement of spiritual and moral cultivation.
  • Second Brain: When organizing, storing, and retrieving knowledge, guided by the concept of “Life Zen”, we can gradually lead our knowledge base from a lost state to enlightenment, from a polluted state to purification.
  • Life system: When managing our daily life, the concept of “Life Zen” reminds us to put the correct cultivation of life at the core, and gradually transform the life of ordinary people into the life of saints.
  • Auxiliary system: The concept of “Life Zen” can help us make better use of tools such as review, social networking and project management to improve our knowledge management capabilities, improve work efficiency and expand interpersonal relationships.
  • Output system: When evaluating our work and learning outcomes, we need to focus not only on material output, but also on our spiritual and moral growth.

Using CETDE in LifeOS

As a personal knowledge management workflow model, CETDE can be directly used in LifeOS to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of personal knowledge management.
  • Capture (collection): In the input system of LifeOS, we can apply Capture to inspiration, information, nutrition and other sections. We can record the perceived new knowledge, new ideas, new information, etc. in time.
  • Encode (encoding): Encoding mainly occurs in the second brain subsystem. For example, in LMS, we can encode new learning materials into knowledge-based content that is easier for us to accept through learning and understanding; in DBMS, we can encode the acquired information into a database, making it useful content.
  • Transfer: Transfer plays a role in LifeOS’ living and assisting systems. These systems allow us to translate knowledge into actions or applications in our daily lives. For example, by setting goals and plans, knowledge can be translated into practical action steps.
  • Distill: In LifeOS, distilling happens primarily when you reflect and summarize your own experience. We can reflect on our learning and actions in the review, project and other sections, and extract our own experience and lessons.
  • Express (Export): Export is the ultimate goal of LifeOS. In the output system, we can transform your knowledge into valuable output, such as creating new products or services, writing your own thoughts and insights, or achieving self-realization and financial freedom through satisfaction and income.
The CETDE model is widely used in LifeOS, and we can use it flexibly according to our needs.


The above is a brief introduction about LifeOS and CETDE. LifeOS 2.0 is a panoramic view of personal knowledge management, learning, life and work consisting of five major subsystems and twenty-two sections. CETDE is a personal knowledge management workflow model, including five stages of Capture, Encode, Transfer, Distill and Express, which can be directly used in LifeOS. Both of these are based on the philosophy of life Zen, which provides a philosophical and practical framework to integrate, apply and innovate the entire process of personal knowledge management.
If you want to know more about LifeOS and CETDE, and how I use LifeOS and CETDE, welcome to subscribe to my paid column “Yiwei Kehang” in Xiaobao.

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