Mi AX6S brush OpenWrt, and flash back to the official website firmware

Original link: https://ifmet.cn/posts/4d3a9f54/

Brief description: Leisure, tossing about the newly purchased Xiaomi AX6S, flashing OpenWrt , and recording the first contact.



This article was originally published on ” Kai Zang’s Small Station ” and is reproduced here simultaneously.


miwifi_rb03_firmware_3e872_1.0.54.bin [Official 2022.08.24]
miwifi_rb03_firmware_stable_1.2.7.bin [Official 2022.03] can flash the firmware, and enable telnet by default

Brush into OpenWrt

  1. First flash the development version miwifi_rb03_firmware_stable_1.2.7.bin , Telnet and SSH are enabled by default
  2. Calculate your own password through the SN code, such as 36418/K1▇▇▇▇06, the password is 60be9bd0
  3. Connect router telnet (enter root/60be9bd0)
  4. Execute commands one by one, no prompt after execution
    • nvram set ssh_en=1 && nvram set uart_en=1 && nvram set boot_wait=on && nvram set bootdelay=3 && nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=0 && nvram set flag_try_sys2_failed=1
    • nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=0 && nvram set “boot_fw1=run boot_rd_img;bootm”
    • nvram set flag_boot_success=1 && nvram commit && /etc/init.d/dropbear enable && /etc/init.d/dropbear start
  5. Open a new terminal page and upload the file scp .\ax6s-1120\factory.bin [email protected]:/tmp
  6. Use ssh to connect to the router ssh [email protected] ; telnet can be turned off, and execute mtd -r write /tmp/factory.bin firmware flash. The router restarts automatically, after the default IP is , the default account password root/password
  7. Enter the ip to enter the openwrt system; click “System – Backup/Upgrade” “Flash New Firmware” and select ax6s-full.bin or ax6s-mini.bin to flash the firmware


  • The second step is to calculate the root password through the SN code:

  • In this version, after ax6s-full.bin is measured and restarted, the WiFi name will be reset to the default bug, but ax6s-mini.bin will not

  • This article is mainly about flashing the firmware of the 237176253 boss. Novices can refer to this post

Flash back to the official website firmware

  1. Run after downloading the Xiaomi router repair tool
  2. The notebook network port is connected to the LAN port of the router with a network cable to ensure that they are in the same network segment, and select the official website firmware
  3. After selecting “Ethernet -> ip”, the next step is to power off at this time, press and hold the reset button until the yellow light flashes and release it, wait for a few minutes
  4. Brush successfully


This article is transferred from: https://ifmet.cn/posts/4d3a9f54/
This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.