good time to read the newspaper

I have always watched the videos of station B when I was eating, watching some funny videos, and eating quickly. However, recently, due to the UP master of several videos I watched, the update slowed down, and I started to have no videos to start watching. So I started watching some news (real news, not

good time to read the newspaper Read More »

Nginx blocks specific IP (segment)/UA

Not commonly used, only for records, to prevent forgetting, save every time you check the IP/IP segment to create a new blacklist.conf, and write it in the following format […] This article is transferred from This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Nginx blocks specific IP (segment)/UA Read More »

Braised Eggplant

Drain the water, add more starch, more oil, and less water for the sauce. This article is reproduced from: This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Braised Eggplant Read More »

git display Chinese

git display Chinese Address of this article: By default, git will translate Chinese, as follows: $ git status Untracked files: (use “git add <file>…” to include in what will be committed) “\346\265\213\350\257\225\346\226\207\344\273\266” solution Execute git config –global core.quotepath false . $ git status Untracked files: (use “git add <file>…” to include in what will

git display Chinese Read More »

Fifteen Years of Investment Review by Pat Grady of Sequoia Capital: Fifteen Lessons I Learned from Fifteen People

Eric Yuan: Simplicity Scales (Zoom founder)​ Meeting Eric Yuan for the first time, no Deck, also with no financial data, was just a conversation, but very clear from one topic to the next. Whenever he mentions a priority or a data or anything, those topics are continuous, or they are related, very clear. Because there

Fifteen Years of Investment Review by Pat Grady of Sequoia Capital: Fifteen Lessons I Learned from Fifteen People Read More »

Issue 29: ① An article written by a young friend in Hong Kong – Weibo ② How to stay optimistic in these dark times – by Noah Smith ③ Why it was deleted – a brief introduction to the working mechanism of content moderation④ Good reading⑤ How Zoom’s Eric Yuan Connected the World

2022.04.24 (issue 29) An article written by a young friend in Hong Kong – Weibo Source: Write on the front | I hope you all are well in this environment and keep your mind and body healthy. — This is a Weibo article that can no longer be read, an invalid link with an

Issue 29: ① An article written by a young friend in Hong Kong – Weibo ② How to stay optimistic in these dark times – by Noah Smith ③ Why it was deleted – a brief introduction to the working mechanism of content moderation④ Good reading⑤ How Zoom’s Eric Yuan Connected the World Read More »

hold on to this thing

Today, I listened to the latest issue of the Blockchain Intelligence Bureau. At the end of the program, the host said that in order to ensure the quality of the program, it will not be updated regularly in the future. Then I remembered that at this time last year, the quality of the weekly blog

hold on to this thing Read More »

The website made by the worst programmer at station B can even crash with my milk

Programmer, a “poor working man” in the Internet age. In addition to having to endure the product manager riding on the neck and shitting, they also have to face all kinds of unpredictable bad things. Including but not limited to server crashes, bug fixes, comments, taking over mountains of junk code left by colleagues, etc.

The website made by the worst programmer at station B can even crash with my milk Read More »