fall through
261. ! != ! for css
262、git merge
quite tragic
263. Daily work of programmers
Another day like this!
264. I’m not getting old, I just forget a little bit sometimes!
After forgetting a little while executing “rm -rf ./” command
265. Interview completed
266、I can get it done right away
267、Linux understands the law
268、Look at those old codes of mine
269、My whole life is a lie
When JavaScript programmers reverse “Not a Number” is actually a number
270. Use some things that will never change
271、No problem at all
272. Oracle finally updated the Java website
273. Program debug vs. double slit interference
274、I knew it would be like this
275. I heard that programmers can make a lot of money?
That expression is so expressive
276. Code version 1 vs. code version 10
277、We will miss you
Finally the day
278. Wipe away tears – full stack programmer after a busy day
money never sleeps

This article is reprinted from https://www.techug.com/post/programming-happy-13/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.