Redis configuration connection password

Redis supports password authentication by default. Generally, Redis can be accessed on the intranet, and IP can be restricted. It does not matter if you do not need a password. However, the information security level protection evaluation requires Redis to configure password access.

Single node Redis configuration password

redis.conf configure the password, find requirepass project, and remove the comment

 # requirepass foobared requirepass 12345678

Restart after modification.

If you are just testing, you can set a temporary password in redis-cli, it will be invalid next time you restart, and the connected client will not be affected :

 redis-cli -h -p 6379>CONFIG SET requirepass 1234567890

Client connection

 redis-cli -h -p 6379> get key (error) NOAUTH Authentication required.

Authenticate using the AUTH command with the password: AUTH 12345678 :> AUTH 12345678 OK

You can also bring a password when connecting to redis-cli :

 redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 12345678> get key

SpringBoot connection

If the SpringBoot client does not configure a password, an error will be reported. The following is the Redisson error:

org.redisson.client.RedisAuthRequiredException: NOAUTH Authentication required.. channel: [id: 0x253ac582, L:/ – R:/] data: CommandData [promise=RedissonPromise [promise=ImmediateEventExecutor$ ImmediatePromise@52cbca32(incomplete)], command=(EVAL), params=[local value =‘hget’, KEYS[1], ARGV[2]); if value == false then return nil; end; local t,…, 5, appws:dev:ws.account.nonce, redisson timeout set:{appws:dev:ws.account.nonce}, redisson idle set:{appws:dev:ws.account.nonce}, redisson map_cache__last_access set:{appws:dev:ws.account.nonce}, {appws:dev:ws.account.nonce}:redisson_options, 1662365670189, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 26, cap: 256)], codec=org .redisson.codec.FstCodec]

springboot then connects to the configuration and configures the password:

 spring: redis: host: port: 6379 password: 12345678

Cluster configuration password

The cluster configuration is similar to that of a single machine. The master Redis configuration is the same as that of a single machine. The slave server needs to configure the password of the master server.

Replace the content of the redis.conf configuration file on the main Redis :

 sed -i 's/# requirepass foobared/requirepass 12345678/g' redis7000.conf sed -i 's/# requirepass foobared/requirepass 12345678/g' redis7001.conf sed -i 's/# requirepass foobared/requirepass 12345678/g' redis7002.conf

Replace the content from the redis.conf configuration file on Redis

Main configuration: requirepass 12345678 and masterauth 12345678

 sed -i 's/# requirepass foobared/requirepass 12345678/g' redis7000.conf sed -i 's/# requirepass foobared/requirepass 12345678/g' redis7001.conf sed -i 's/# requirepass foobared/requirepass 12345678/g' redis7002.conf sed -i 's/# masterauth <master-password>/masterauth 12345678/g' redis7000.conf sed -i 's/# masterauth <master-password>/masterauth 12345678/g' redis7001.conf sed -i 's/# masterauth <master-password>/masterauth 12345678/g' redis7002.conf

Just restart the server.

Client connection

Similar to the stand-alone version, the connection method is the same

 redis-cli -h -p 7000> cluster nodes NOAUTH Authentication required.> auth 12345678

SpringBoot connection

Configure yml connection:

 spring: redis: cluster: nodes: xxxx password: 12345678

Configuration is complete.

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