Remember an Internet Fraud Case (Continued)

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Just now, I received a call from Xiao Yan, which woke me up. After I called back, Xiao Yan told me that he would continue to delay paying back the money he owed me. I asked what happened, and Xiaoyan told me that his mother was defrauded by the Internet, and the family’s savings of more than 200,000 were defrauded, and now he is destitute.

Xiaoyan said that his mother couldn’t control the money, but she kept asking for it, because regardless of the money, she felt that she had no place in the family. In desperation, his father handed over all the money to his mother for management. After being deceived, his mother wanted to jump off the building, but was discovered by the next door’s uncle Yan, who was discouraging him.

After Yan’s mother is emotionally stable, Xiao Yan will learn about the whole process of being cheated from her, and I will also write about it.

Once again, I would like to remind all bloggers not to make decisions at night or even at night, because people’s willpower is too weak at this time to suppress abnormal thoughts and impulses in their hearts. For example, why is the shopping festival scheduled for twelve o’clock at night? Because people’s willpower is weak at this time, it is too easy to consume impulses. The same goes for other things.

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