See the complex world from a child’s simple perspective

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△ 227|Looking at the complex world from a child’s simple perspective

The first thing to declare is that the more “normal” the title is, the less “normal” things will be discussed, so today’s content may be uncomfortable for people with a higher moral level, so please find your own problems.

Probably because it is during the summer vacation, there are not a few people who bring their children to watch cross talk performances. But listening to a cross talk and bringing the child to the mother is indeed a bit difficult to understand. Probably that generation has had children one after another, so bringing children has become a “last resort”. So in the process of watching the show, I also got the leisure fun of observing human beings.

During this period, there were two groups of families with two different girls. There were events where I had to pull out my phone and look down to record inspiration while watching a show.

One mom kept taking out her phone to take pictures from the start of the show. Because at the beginning, before entering the venue, the staff clearly stated that photography and video recording are prohibited in this performance. But after all, the Chinese people’s law-abiding thinking is simply “you can, why can’t I? You want to arrest me first, and he has done so” , so this mother doesn’t care about such “rules” at all. Probably because the child sitting next to her first listened to the staff member’s advice, or perhaps it was the first time she saw such a performance, so she was still a “lawful” person. When her mother picked up her phone and started frantically filming the actors on stage, the child kept blocking her mother, then whimpered and blamed her own mother for how blatantly disrupted the show.

The little girl has been trying to obstruct her mother’s behavior. Obviously, she thinks her mother’s behavior is “shameful” and “shameful”. While blocking her, she also observed the surroundings, and found that the people who didn’t follow the rules were the majority of the audience. At this time, the little girl had a kind of inner doubt about her “adherence to the law”, because she stopped blocking her mother’s non-stop taking pictures. She was silent for a long time after that. I can probably read a certain sense of helplessness from her emotional changes, and I can even imagine that she wanted to use today’s performance as part of the topic of her summer homework composition, but she chose another Something a “lawful person” shouldn’t do – sleep while watching a show.

Although it can’t be said that she had an idol collapse for her mother, she must have doubted her persistence. She wanted to regard the performance instructions as a rule as important as classroom discipline, but found that these rules are not effective for most people. . She may doubt herself in her heart. When she is sitting on the podium of the class, trying to maintain the order of the self-study class, and treating the register dedicated to the discipline committee at hand as a sacred code, she has the supreme adjudication power. The names of the classmates who disrupted the classroom were recorded. She represents justice and order, but one day she will find that the register has no meaningful effect. Even if she handed it over to the teacher, the names she recorded on it will always be so few “recognized” She didn’t dare to write down and had no reason to write down the classmates she didn’t like, and the teacher also assumed that these naughty eggs could not be changed, so she did not make any actual punishment. After all, that book will be the same as the “performance instructions” before entering the venue.

Another family is a mother who brought her two children to the show. The mother is obviously not a person who has any interest in the performance itself. She probably just found a place for her two children to keep them quiet for a while and not bother her. of leisure. During the whole process, she was lying on the chair in various lazy positions and playing with her mobile phone. With two children, her sister was about 6 or 7 years old, but she was very interested in cross talk itself; while her younger brother was about 3 or 4 years old, and her sister did not like it. This younger brother, both psychologically and physically, showed a strong sense of disgust towards this younger brother who was a threat to his position in the family because of his later birth.

One thing is that when the younger brother wanted to drink water, he rummaged through his mother’s bag for Coke. Obviously, the coke was a snack that the mother promised to let the two children enjoy on this “special day” today. The younger brother took out the coke and prepared to drink it, but the elder sister was preventing her. My sister is a “ruled” child and didn’t make a lot of noise during the performance, so I couldn’t hear what tone she used to stop her brother from drinking Coke, but I could see the extreme disgust from her expression . In my opinion, probably because my sister actually wants to drink that bottle of Coke, there should be some kind of “contract” between them. For example, if the siblings want to drink Coke, they both need to take out a paper cup to pour it. Coke, not directly to the mouth – so I say that this sister has an extreme psychological and physical disgust for her brother, because after she couldn’t stop his brother from drinking Coke to his mouth, she refused to drink that bottle of Coke, to his brother’s The disgust was projected onto what her brother had used and eaten, and she didn’t even want to touch the bottle of Coke.

Later, her mother took out a bottle of coconut milk from her bag and took a sip by herself. When her sister wanted to come over, she took a big sip. When her brother saw this, she wanted to drink too. The sister took out the bottle of Coke from her mother’s bag. , threw it on his brother angrily, expressing resistance and restraint with a silent emotion. The younger brother was also sensible, he took the coke and took a sip. Then he raised his head and drank Coke and stared at his sister very defiantly. He deliberately spit a few mouthfuls of bubbles into the bottle. Because my sister turned her back to me, I couldn’t see her expression, but I could probably guess who she was. There was disgust and hatred on her face, but she had to show restraint – probably because she was punished very severely after bullying her younger brother when she was a child. When she suddenly realized her family status one day, because this post-born younger brother was changed, she might also see the subtle emotional changes on the faces of her grandparents and her younger brother, or What she said at home has become irrelevant, instead the younger brother can ask for everything he wants…

Later, the younger brother wanted to go to the toilet because he drank too much water, and their mother obviously didn’t want to take it. Because she was still playing with her mobile phone, she wanted to instruct her sister to take her younger brother to the toilet. But the elder sister was too lazy to take over. When the younger brother saw that he was not valued by others, when he was about to get angry, his mother had no choice but to take him off the field to go to the toilet. When they came back, their mother no longer wanted to squeeze back to her original position, but asked her sister to hand out her bag, and then sat in the back row with the corridor access – giving her more space to stretch out. Lie down on the seat with straight legs and play with your phone. Seeing that his mother was unwilling to return to his original seat, the younger brother also ran out and sat next to his mother. The elder sister finally had her own time and space to watch the show. At this time, the younger brother kept telling his mother that he was bored and wanted to get out of here quickly—the mother asked him to tell his sister that he was going home.

It was the first time my brother called my elder sister, but my elder sister ignored her; after several times, the staff came to remind me several times not to walk around and talk during the performance, and the mother decided to send the message herself, and only then did my elder sister Yiyi Yiyi Reluctantly left his seat. Although I didn’t hear what excuse my mother used to make my sister leave her seat, I could probably guess from her refusal to hold hands with her brother when she left, and the way she walked away quickly from her brother and mother alone— What my mother said must be “Brother wants to go, let’s go too”, because of this reason, she has heard it too many times, because she has no choice, as long as it is what the younger brother does not like, the younger brother does not accept, and the younger brother does not approve Yes, it was the family’s code of conduct, and she could neither violate nor propose her own rules.

Well, the two observed real stories, there is no summary and no intention, just to record, of course, there are also many subjective divergences, such as I think the first little girl is the conjecture of the disciplinary committee. That’s the way it is. As for what to say, everyone will have their own interpretations and opinions.

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