Should I apply ice or heat after an injury?

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Recently, my wife had an unfortunate scratch while riding a shared motorcycle, resulting in multiple bruising and swelling in her ankle, calf, and abdomen.

Whether it is you or me, we often encounter small bumps in our lives, and it is easy to leave bruises on the skin. Severe bruises are often accompanied by swelling and pain. Bruising is not terrible, the key is how to deal with it in time——

Bruised skin, should I apply ice or heat first?

0-48 hours: ice pack

If the skin is not broken, apply ice immediately. The function of ice compress is to reduce the blood volume in the injured area, reduce the bruising area as much as possible, and also have the effect of analgesia. Ice packs can be bought in pharmacies, or found in incubators when shopping for fresh products online, and simple ice packs can be made by yourself (water to alcohol ratio: 6:1, pour into a sealed bag and freeze in the refrigerator).

Ice compresses can be applied several times a day for 10-20 minutes each time, and an ice pack can be wrapped in a towel before applying.

More than 48 hours: hot compress

Two or three days after the injury, the redness, swelling and pain will be relieved, and hot compresses can be used to promote blood circulation and remove congestion. Heat the affected area with a medium such as a heating pad, hot towel or hot water bottle, also several times a day, for 10-20 minutes each time.

After the hot compress, you can apply Yunnan Baiyao spray, safflower oil, bruise oil and other external medicines with the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to accelerate the healing speed.

Should I apply ice or heat to an injury?


1. If bruising occurs after injury, please do not rub the affected area. Not only will it not speed up the bruising, but it will cause the capillaries to rupture, making the bruising more serious;

2. During the ice compress (within 0-48 hours), contact with hot water as little as possible and drink less alcohol;

3. The bruise will gradually subside within one to two weeks. If it does not subside for a long time or the pain worsens, please seek medical attention in time. In addition, if you find that you are not injured, but the skin is often bruised, it may be the information of a serious illness, and you must seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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