sixty thousand words

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The college entrance examination composition is stipulated at around 800 words. For some people, the college entrance examination composition is “how to write a piece of nonsense in 800 words”, while for me, the college entrance examination composition is “how to compress a whimsical piece of nonsense into 800 words of nonsense”. .

The New Testament of the Bible has a total of 235,000 words, but each book about the interpretation of the Bible has about 100,000 words. Every year, there will be a different interpretation of the Bible, or a book that reinterprets the Bible in combination with the current society will be published— – The original 230,000 words are still being expanded infinitely.

The world is divided into various types of people. Some people are good at summarizing, some people are good at dispersing, some people are good at standardizing, and some people are more suitable for absorbing what they can use from other people’s viewpoints. Easy to hold each other together. People who like to listen will force others to agree with their own views; people who like to summarize will one day be tempted to force others to agree with their own conclusions; people who diverge do not want to be restricted by others’ imagination People with internal norms also want to use the behavior of others to prove that their norms are the truth.

The language and cognition of different people will be preserved as words. They will be accumulated, preserved, and disseminated, and turned into fortresses, tools, and even weapons.

The 600,000th word has been left here. Strictly speaking, they are not left by a single person. Because of emotions, experiences, and acquired knowledge, every day is a different self. Because this is a one-way timeline, after the text he brought the day before was released, he settled. Even after a few days on my own, when I look back at the text that was settled, I feel inexplicably unfamiliar.

The next node is the 700,000th word, what can be summed up, let’s talk about it later.

——Five Hundred Days of Writing|The 600,000th word

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