The problem isn’t hard seats, it’s hard seats in cafes – waiting rooms, bank lobbies, etc. Hard seats are fine. Apparently many, many people think so. Or even further, cafes that have hard seats are considered to increase the table turnover rate. We will not discuss the results here. It seems to me that many, many people are too convinced that a coffee shop should be a certain way. But of course the cafe can be in other shapes, such as tables with a height and hardness that are not suitable for lying down.

Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0930/ The problem isn’t hard seats, it’s hard seats in cafes – waiting rooms, bank lobbies, etc. Hard seats are fine. Apparently many, many people think so. Or even further, cafes that have hard seats are considered to increase the table turnover rate. We will not discuss the results here. It seems to […]

The problem isn’t hard seats, it’s hard seats in cafes – waiting rooms, bank lobbies, etc. Hard seats are fine. Apparently many, many people think so. Or even further, cafes that have hard seats are considered to increase the table turnover rate. We will not discuss the results here. It seems to me that many, many people are too convinced that a coffee shop should be a certain way. But of course the cafe can be in other shapes, such as tables with a height and hardness that are not suitable for lying down. Read More »

Craftsman spirit

Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0913-craftsman/ The word craftsman spirit has been mentioned repeatedly in recent years. Some people say that they need to learn from it, while others say that the representatives of a certain country’s craftsman spirit and many such-and-such gods are too ordinary—not as good as our country’s folk masters at all. It’s just that

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sit down and pee

Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0902-sitting-down-to-pee/ For several years, my wife and I have developed the habit of manually switching the position of the toilet seat after going to the toilet—I will put the toilet seat down after peeing, so that she can sit directly when going to the toilet; Lift up the toilet seat. Getting up to

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Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0828-cooking/ When I was young, I tried cooking for the first time. I didn’t stick to Chinese and Western conventions, and it changed in every way. The food I made tasted different every time. Fortunately, it was not unpalatable, so I felt complacent as if I had broken the shackles by myself. However,

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Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0816-elixir-of-immortality/ When watching friends chatting about which is more important, power or money, he mentioned a hypothesis: If there were 100 longevity medicines in China, Ma Yun and Ma Huateng would not even be able to smell them. This hypothesis is also intriguing. It seems that the Chinese have completely accepted that all

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Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0805-funeral/ Grandpa also passed away at the age of ninety-six; so far all the close relatives of the grandparents have passed away. Anyone who grew up in northern China probably had the experience of being tortured at a funeral. Kneeling and crying loudly, I used to hate these false performative rituals. But when

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Original link: https://kaix.in/tag/%E4%B9%A0%E4%BF%97/ fin. Great reward! This article is transferred from: https://kaix.in/tag/%E4%B9%A0%E4%BF%97/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

custom Read More »


Original link: https://kaix.in/tag/%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1/ fin. Great reward! This article is transferred from: https://kaix.in/tag/%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

die Read More »


Original link: https://kaix.in/tag/%E8%91%AC%E7%A4%BC/ fin. Great reward! This article is transferred from: https://kaix.in/tag/%E8%91%AC%E7%A4%BC/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

funeral Read More »


Original link: https://kaix.in/tag/%E9%AC%BC%E6%80%AA/ fin. Great reward! This article is transferred from: https://kaix.in/tag/%E9%AC%BC%E6%80%AA/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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Afraid of the dark

Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0719-what-is-in-the-dark/ My daughter suddenly started to be afraid of the dark, and she didn’t know why when I asked her, probably because I played too many scary puzzles ” Sea Turtle Soup ” with my friends some time ago. In short, the result is that the house always has to be brightly lit

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read a little

Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0717-read/ Saw a video of Orson Welles saying he doesn’t watch movies and he thinks it’s harmful for directors to watch movies. The genius director has the confidence to say these words, and in his time, it may be more necessary to develop and innovate with genius than to learn from the experience

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Original link: https://kaix.in/2023/0709-cleaning/ When expressing emotions, people often get their heart pumping first – I want to pluck the stars from the sky for you. I have to admit that I am the same, I can’t wait to show my heart and soul to prove myself. I can’t knock down all the exaggerated and extreme

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