M-x Chris-An-Emacser

Recent Thoughts 2023-10-01

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2023/10/01/Recent-thoughts-2023-10-01/ RMS suffers from cancer GNU Octave slows down on Arch Linux https://octave.discourse.group/t/did-octave-just-slow-down-for-you-on-arch-linux-read-this/4854 1 sudo pacman -S blas cblas lapack Android ports for GNU Emacs This article is reproduced from: https://chriszheng.science/2023/10/01/Recent-thoughts-2023-10-01/ This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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Recent Thoughts 2023-07-15

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2023/07/15/Recent-thoughts-2023-07-15/ 350,000 PV achieved As of 2023-07-15. Gong Jinou This article is reproduced from: https://chriszheng.science/2023/07/15/Recent-thoughts-2023-07-15/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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Recent Thoughts 2023-06-06

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2023/06/06/Recent-thoughts-2023-06-06/ Everything can be traced back to the source——Encyclopedia of interesting knowledge A small book with a lot of content. Clearly a small magazine. ——Xiong Aichun -> and ->> 1 2 ( defalias #’-> #’thread-first) ( defalias #’->> #’thread-last) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ( -> 5 ( + 20 ) (

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Recent Thoughts 2023-05-02

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2023/05/02/Recent-thoughts-2023-05-01/ Misaka Mikoto ‘s birthday is May 2 Buddha Dharma Extinction Sutra Dakini Gabala Bowl Mary Magdalene It turned out that Pope Gregory I got it wrong for thousands of years. It turns out that movies such as “The Da Vinci Code” have a certain basis. This article is reproduced from: https://chriszheng.science/2023/05/02/Recent-thoughts-2023-05-01/ This

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Recent Thoughts 2022-10-22

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2022/10/22/Recent-thoughts-2022-10-22/ ? Take away from the venue “Buddha’s Parables” “Looking at the Flowers: The Centennial of Labor and Life” Fingers crossed the centenary of labor. Glory follows. Li Qianming provokes Kui to patrol, Nai two rounds and Yu go to Jin Fei. Red face into white hair, what is the best. Dusty things

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Recent Thoughts 2022-09-08

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2022/09/08/Recent-thoughts-2022-09-08/ ? 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022 RIP I speak to you today with feelings of profound sorrow. Throughout her life, Her Majesty The Queen — my beloved Mother — was an inspiration and example to me and to all my family, and we owe her the most heartfelt debt any

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Recent Thoughts 2022-08-02

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2022/08/02/Recent-thoughts-2022-08-02/ ?International Cat Day August 8th every year. kun The unfinished building in Henan turned out to be a problem left over from history It has been reported in 2019, but it is only now that we pay attention https://new.qq.com/omn/20190805/20190805A07UJC00.html This article is reprinted from: https://chriszheng.science/2022/08/02/Recent-thoughts-2022-08-02/ This site is for inclusion only, and

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Recent Thoughts 2022-08-02

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2022/08/02/Recent-thoughts-2022-08-02/ ?International Cat Day August 8th every year. kun The unfinished building in Henan turned out to be a problem left over from history It has been reported in 2019, but it is only now that we pay attention https://new.qq.com/omn/20190805/20190805A07UJC00.html This article is reprinted from: https://chriszheng.science/2022/08/02/Recent-thoughts-2022-08-02/ This site is for inclusion only, and

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Recent Thoughts 2022-07-04

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2022/07/04/Recent-thoughts-2022-07-04/ Hell is empty, the devil is on earth. Not a soul But felt a fever of the mad, and play’d Some tricks of desperation. All but mariners Plunged in the foaming brine and quit the vessel, Then all afire with me: the King’s son, Ferdinand, With hair up-staring—then like reeds, not hair—

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Recent Thoughts 2022-06-18

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2022/06/18/Recent-thoughts-2022-06-18/ 270,000 PV reached As of 2022-06-15. RIP https://www.bandwagonhost.net/12953.html Cherish life and stay away from exFAT. will become unfortunate. Accidentally lose files. Qing Gaozong posthumous title Fa Tianlongyun is sincere, sensible, body Yuan Liji, Fu Wenfen, Wu Qinming, filial piety, filial piety, holy and pure emperor Emperor Qianlong, zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E4%B9%BE%E9%9A%86%E5%B8%9D This article is reprinted

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Recent Thoughts 2022-05-30

Original link: https://chriszheng.science/2022/05/30/Recent-thoughts-2022-05-30/ [TIL] Shi Suxi may be a negative character I saw this man in a newspaper (probably the “Southern Metropolis Daily”) in 2000. The reports at that time were relatively positive, and even the incident of this trendy tower was also written. To understand a thing, one cannot look at a single source,

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Recent Thoughts 2022-04-12

Battle AI Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay? John Donne GPT2 Quickly GPT2 simple aitextgen Emacs 28.1 One problem is. The terminal’s color display is messed up. After searching, I found that 256 colors will be better supported in 29.1. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2022-04/msg00428.html Install Flash at 2022 Windows 7 First find the installation package:

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