QingXi Ma | 马庆喜

April 26, World Pilots Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/world-pilots-day.html April 26th is World Pilots Day. Turkey’s first pilot, Fesa Evrensev, flew over Turkey for the first time on April 26, 1912. At the regular meeting of the International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations held in 2013, April 26 was declared World Pilots Day after the proposal of the Turkish Airlines Pilots […]

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April 26, International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/chernobyl-disaster-remembrance-day.html April 26th is the International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day. On April 26, 1986, an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant that killed 30 people within weeks released a radioactive cloud that blanketed much of the Soviet Union, including what is now Belarus, Ukraine and territories within the Russian Federation, resulting in

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April 26, National Malaria Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/national-malaria-day.html The World Health Assembly established April 25th as World Malaria Day, aiming to arouse the attention of people all over the world to malaria and promote global malaria prevention and control. In light of the actual situation in my country, April 26th is designated as “National Malaria Day”. Holiday information Malaria is

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April 26, World Intellectual Property Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/intellectual-property-day.html April 26th is World Intellectual Property Day (World Intellectual Property Day), established by the World Intellectual Property Organization on April 26, 2001, and decided to designate April 26th as “World Intellectual Property Day” from 2001 onwards. “The purpose is to establish awareness of respecting knowledge, advocating science and protecting intellectual property rights

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April 25, International Delegates Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/delegates-day.html April 25 is International Delegate’s Day, the anniversary of the first day of the San Francisco Conference. On April 25, 1945, representatives from 50 countries held a meeting of United Nations international organizations in San Francisco, USA. Background Information International Delegate’s Day is the anniversary of the first day of the San

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April 25, World Penguin Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/world-penguin-day.html Every year on April 25th is the World Penguin Day (World Penguin Day), its origin is also interesting. Scientists at McMurdo Station in Antarctica first discovered that Adélie penguins migrate northward from here on April 25 every year. It seems that the lazy penguins are still so punctual! In order to record

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April 25th, World Malaria Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/world-malaria-day.html April 25th is World Malaria Day, which aims to draw the attention of people all over the world to malaria and promote global malaria prevention and control. World Malaria Day is an opportunity to highlight the need for sustained investment and sustained political commitment to prevent and control malaria. It was established

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April 25th, National Child Vaccination Awareness Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/china-prophylactic-vaccination-day.html Every April 25th is the “National Children’s Vaccination Publicity Day”. Every year, various forms of publicity activities related to the immunization work are carried out across the country on this day, which plays a great role in promoting the immunization work of children in our country. On June 20, 1986, with the

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April 24, World Laboratory Animal Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/world-lab-animal-day.html April 24th is The World LabAnimal Day (The World LabAnimal Day), a laboratory animal protection festival initiated by the British Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) in 1979 and recognized by the United Nations. It aims to advocate scientific and humane animal experiments, bearing in mind The great contribution and sacrifice made by experimental animals

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24 April, International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

Original link: https://www.munue.com/multilateralism-and-diplomacy-for-peace.html April 24th is the “International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace” established by the United Nations General Assembly. Use multilateral decision-making and diplomacy to peacefully resolve interstate conflicts. Background Information The United Nations was established in 1945 following the end of World War II with the central mission of… This article

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April 24th, China Aerospace Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/space-day-of-china.html Space Day of China is a commemorative day planned to commemorate the achievements of China’s space industry and carry forward the spirit of China’s space industry. The establishment of “China Aerospace Day” is to remember the history, inherit the spirit, stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole people, especially young people, to advocate

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April 23, St. George’s Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/st-georges-day.html Every year on April 23rd is St George’s Day (St George’s Day), St George is an important part of English culture. If you go to England around this day, you will see a white flag with a red cross hanging outside churches, pubs, or even cars. This is the flag of St.

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April 23, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy Army Day

Original link: https://www.munue.com/chinese-navy-day.html April 23 is the Army Day of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy. The People’s Liberation Army Navy’s Army Founding Day originated from the anniversary of the founding of the East China Military Region Navy, the predecessor of the Chinese Navy. On April 23, 1949, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy was

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