QingXi Ma | 马庆喜

What should I do if my site is not included in Microsoft Bing search?

Original link: https://www.munue.com/273.html As a webmaster, in addition to the content of the website, the most important thing is whether the article can be indexed by major search engines. At present, in the domestic search market, in addition to Baidu’s dominance (85%), Microsoft Bing has ranked second, accounting for 7%, while the third Sogou search, […]

What should I do if my site is not included in Microsoft Bing search? Read More »

Let rumors be invisible, Weibo is fully open to display the IP territorial function of commenting

On April 28th, Sina Weibo fully opened comments to display the IP territorial function of commenting, so that those who pretend to be parties to hot events, maliciously spread rumors, and smuggle traffic from the public, 1450, and hate the country have nothing to hide. It is transparent and protects the rights and interests of

Let rumors be invisible, Weibo is fully open to display the IP territorial function of commenting Read More »

Set up WordPress update notification (Ping) service to speed up search engine indexing

Updating your website content and then waiting for search engines to index it is a passive approach long outdated. Now many blog systems have joined the Ping service function, which can automatically notify blog directories and search engines of your blog updates, speeding up the speed of your website being indexed by search engines. The

Set up WordPress update notification (Ping) service to speed up search engine indexing Read More »

reading makes people happy

April 23, World Book Day. Looking at the phone, I didn’t expect to keep seven or eight photos of the books I was reading, and made a small video and posted it in the circle of friends, which attracted a lot of likes from my friends. I have also seen many friends posting photos of

reading makes people happy Read More »