
Use Python with Shadowrocket to enable true dynamic ports for V2ray!

Original link: foreword In my daily use, I found that the mobile network operator or GFW will interfere with the connection to a certain fixed overseas IP port for a long time, and in serious cases, the port with V2ray service enabled cannot be accessed directly. So how to deal with it? analyze First, […]

Use Python with Shadowrocket to enable true dynamic ports for V2ray! Read More »

Why do you need to refactor your website code? Website upgrade and transformation!

Original link: foreword Aha, the new website should be live by the time you read this! Although the appearance of the interface has not changed much, the interior is different everywhere. Almost all the code has been deleted and modified, the naming rules of all classes and functions have been re-standardized, comments have been

Why do you need to refactor your website code? Website upgrade and transformation! Read More »

Advanced operations of Artalk’s self-built comment system: migration and export

Original link: introduction Didn’t I migrate the website from Hexo to Flask and build it myself? The comment system also switched from Valine to Artalk, but the old comment content was not imported, and I didn’t pay attention to it at first. Later, old fans gradually asked in the comments I just remembered that

Advanced operations of Artalk’s self-built comment system: migration and export Read More »

EvilGPT: After bypassing the limit, ChatGPT is more powerful and evil than imagined; remove the speed limit and get 120 dollars

Original link: introduction After using ChatGPT in depth, I found that OpenAi has set many restrictions on it, blocking and restricting it through ethics, laws and regulations, and various keywords, but we can bypass these restrictions through some special prompts. After bypassing the restrictions, the potential of ChatGPT is beyond words. Although it does

EvilGPT: After bypassing the limit, ChatGPT is more powerful and evil than imagined; remove the speed limit and get 120 dollars Read More »

2023 latest version FRP+V2ray intranet reverse proxy building tutorial

Original link: need I have a very special requirement recently: [I want to use the company’s server to proxy the Internet at home], but, the company’s server is in the intranet, so this requirement is split into two sub-requirements: 1. Reverse proxy the intranet device to make it accessible through the public network. 2.

2023 latest version FRP+V2ray intranet reverse proxy building tutorial Read More »

Quickly bypass the firewalls of OpenAi and CloudFlare, and use ChatBox to quickly access ChatGPT with one click!

Original link: In the previous article ” Using OpenAi Api to Build a ChatGPT Web Version Locally “, I introduced a self-built ChatGPT using docker locally, but the building process and UI interface are a bit old-fashioned. Simply put, it is LOW. This article I’m going to introduce a very simple way! The project

Quickly bypass the firewalls of OpenAi and CloudFlare, and use ChatBox to quickly access ChatGPT with one click! Read More »

Optimize Python+Flask access speed, ElasticSearch+Redis caching strategy tuning

Original link: foreword When building this site , I used ElasticSearch as the database and Redis as the cache component. It was used without any problems at first, but later due to version iterations, the addition of modules and the continuous improvement of the page. Data in many places needs to be queried to

Optimize Python+Flask access speed, ElasticSearch+Redis caching strategy tuning Read More »

Use OpenAi Api to build a ChatGPT web version locally

Original link: foreword Before ChatGPT became popular on the Internet, OpenAi couldn’t support it because many developers tried their best to squeeze their wool. For new registered accounts, there is only a free quota of $5, and the web version also has various restrictions. OpenAi uses CloudFlare’s firewall, and the IP I use is

Use OpenAi Api to build a ChatGPT web version locally Read More »

late summer turn

Original link: I know that no one actually reads my blog, but I feel sorry for not writing anything for three months. Since July, the temperature in Shanghai has continued to be high, and the evening wind after get off work is hot. When I get home, I just want to take a shower

late summer turn Read More »