Sanzo’s blog.

Chongqing Forest

Original link: When a person cries, you just need to give him a pack of tissues. But a room crying, you have to do a lot of work. “Chongqing Forest” is a romantic film directed by Wong Kar-wai and released in 1994. The story tells two love stories. The first paragraph is about the […]

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Machine Learning Compilation (Continuously updated…)

Original link: Chinese Notes: Chinese timetable: Course code: Homework: Machine Learning Compilation Overview There are many complex variables from the development to deployment of a machine learning model: a matter of hardware (ARM or x86), operating system, container execution environment, Runtime Libraries, or the type of accelerators involved. Machine learning

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Jump the Wall

Original link: V2ray Server # 一键安装脚本bash < ( curl -s -L ) client Android, linux, macOS installation package: v2ray client configuration file: After downloading the v2ray installation package on the linux side, you can choose to install it locally or run the executable file directly. Install to local wget #

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BNS-GCN: Random Boundary Vertex Sampling to Accelerate Distributed GCN Training

MLSys’22 paper code BNS-GCN believes that the communication overhead of distributed GCN training is proportional to the number of boundary points. On this basis, in order to reduce communication and memory usage, before each epoch, they sample the boundary points (Boundary node sampling), through a large number of The experiments verified the performance of BNS-GCN,

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