Talent measurement standards for large factories

Original link: https://macshuo.com/?p=1804

Before, my friend Selina published an article on the InfoQ writing platform called ” A Recommendable Talent Measurement Standard “. The article introduced a standard summarized by the left ear mouse, which is of great reference value. If you are interested, you can read it. this short article.

I have seen the talent standards of some big factories, or their recruitment standards. I will summarize today. Because everyone is familiar with the P series, I will use P to refer to them. In fact, this standard is partial to products and business, not specialized Refers to technicians.

P6, the main responsibility is to deliver the product, accurately understand the demand, form a product design plan, and complete the control of the product through communication and coordination, realize the timely delivery of the landing process, and finally realize the user value.

P7, it is necessary to control the overall situation, clearly define the problem, and have a deep understanding, judgment and disassembly of the requirements. Have a strong understanding of the application of technology and form creative solutions. Collaborate with multiple teams with influence to realize the planning and implementation of the leading product line and promote continuous iteration. Have basic cost and benefit awareness, think about product value and make judgments from the perspective of customers and partners. Guarantee the input and output benefits of products. Leading the product line to achieve effective improvement of user experience and product data.

You can see that the requirements of P7 are very high. P8 needs the ability to have forward-looking breakthroughs.

P8, in-depth insight into business and technology trends, combined with the understanding of business planning, to form a more efficient and innovative overall planning and operation plan than most similar products in the industry. lead in a single field. With influence at the BU level, it enables the organic integration of various stakeholders, realizes the overall planning and implementation of the multi-product line under the leadership, and promotes continuous innovation. Understand the industry, carry out the analysis and judgment of the ecological and competitive cooperation relationship, convert it into product undertaking, and form a product rhythm that matches the business rhythm. Leading multiple product lines for efficient operation and growth.

What P9 can do is to lead the industry. With mature system architecture and mechanism design capabilities, it has formed a cross-domain, industry-leading product strategic layout and overall planning. Able to achieve scale, excellent product emotional intelligence (user experience), and excellent ability to define complex cross-domain problems. It has extensive influence at the BG level, and through the allocation of resources, the strategic layout of products is implemented. Predict product and human trends, build a strategic control rhythm, and form a forward-looking layout of product architecture.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the BU target is achieved, which will have a significant impact on the BG business and the company’s medium and long-term business performance. Or by creating value and innovation for customers, for the product in charge, it brings influence and business results that exceed similar products in the industry. Or through insight into new user needs and track opportunities, with product professional capabilities and business model definitions to independently bring products to the leading industry influence. For example, reaching tens of millions of DAU.

It is said that the annual salary of P9 is high. If you look at what others have to do, is it much better than the bosses of many start-up companies.

As for the P10 and P11 level, there are not many big factories, they are all very top talents. To be able to transform the industry and form a unicorn in the business field, it must have extensive influence, and it must be able to lead the new generation of the industrial pattern to profoundly change the social form and social behavior pattern, and create a new strategic pattern for the company.

The second master often jokes with me that you should go to Ali at P10 or above. I said that I guess I can’t find a job other than starting a business. But after reading this standard, I feel that the gap is quite big. Maybe one day, when Geek Time becomes a unicorn app, you can go back and compare it to find your own position.

If you think you are good, see which level you can match.

This article is reprinted from: https://macshuo.com/?p=1804
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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