Tencent will lay off staff again in the second half of the year: all business groups will be reduced by at least 10%

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36 Krypton learned from a number of people familiar with the matter that Tencent’s layoffs will continue in the second half of this year. Tencent’s organizational optimization is formulated by the group in a unified manner, but the rhythm of each BG is different. Among Tencent’s major business groups, CSIG (Cloud and Smart Industry Business Group) and PCG (Platform and Content Business Group) were the hardest hit areas for layoffs in the first half of the year due to their large employee base. In particular, PCG’s overall layoff ratio may exceed 10%. In the second half of the year, the above-mentioned BGs will continue to lay off staff on the basis of the first half of the year. Among them, the proportion of layoffs in various sub-business departments of PCG will even reach 40%-50%, and a few businesses will face overall layoffs.
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