The real life of a programmer

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The computer major in Zhaoolee University has a male-to-female ratio of 2:1. There are less than 1 out of 10 females and 30% of males as developers after graduation;

According to my observations over the years, not everyone is suitable for learning computers. For those who have no interest in computers, it will be very painful to learn computers.

Learning computers requires some tenacity. Even if the rotten program you wrote is not used, don’t be discouraged. It is often not your programming ability that is wrong, but that the program is not suitable for most people.

Developers are often called programmers, and like any popular profession, programmers are not an easy career, especially in China.

Chinese developers must first solve the problem of scientific Internet access. Only by being able to access the Internet smoothly can they quickly solve various development problems. What Baidu can’t solve in one hour, Google can solve in five minutes.

My office operation and maintenance brother often said that programmers are too easy to see things outside the wall, and they are the most prone to rebel groups! (Some dolphin from a certain book once wrote “Programmers are the group with the highest cheating rate”, really don’t know programmers)

The above remarks are all jokes. People who can’t make a living will be rebels, and programmers will eat their food. It’s not a big problem. Of course, if there is a flexible anti-thief argument and the masses are not allowed to speak, it can only be README in the Github repository. md see you.

For normal programmers to move bricks, writing code is not the most important thing. On the one hand, programmers need to browse forums and learn new technologies; on the other hand, to meet various needs, what Battle does and does not do every day.

As a programmer, if you want to study technology, you can find a bookstore cafe with super-fast internet on weekends, which is much more efficient than your daily working hours;

When I retire in the future, I want to open a small book, with access to super fast internet speed, super power supply, unlimited supply of tea, including a large number of Internet-related books, attracting friends from all walks of life to come to talk about Taoism and NB!

A real programmer’s week: working days, get ready to go to work at 11 am, have a break, eat a meal, take a nap, start coding at 2 pm, hold various demand meetings, get home at 9 pm, watch a while Books, update the blog, organize personal projects, sleep until 10 o’clock the next day, several cycles, the end of the working day; two days on weekends, if you don’t work overtime, play games, read books, and buy books to read in the next week , If you have physical strength, go out for a walk, buy something, and consumption is patriotism (the dog’s head saves his life, pays taxes on consumption, and offsets his anti-thief attributes).

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